1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

Rejected 76561198121371489(Slayin)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ✮ fr0sty, Sep 18, 2015.

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  1. ✮ fr0sty

    ✮ fr0sty Registered

    Sep 18, 2015
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    | steamname: Slayin
    | steam3ID: [U:1:161105761]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:80552880
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198121371489
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/theslayingservice
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198121371489

    | steamname: ✮ fr0sty
    | steam3ID: [U:1:89838488]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:44919244
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050104216
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xepicmx
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198050104216

    What happened? Description:
    ✮ fr0sty: CHAT LOG:
    ✮ fr0sty: i dont think we should go all in. i think its better if we work it up you kow?
    ✮ fr0sty: lmpw**
    ✮ fr0sty: know******
    Slayin: lets just yolo lol
    Slayin: lost 130 already
    ✮ fr0sty: yolo means 1600??????!!??!
    ✮ fr0sty: thats allllll my s✿✿✿.
    Slayin: 2.5k
    Slayin: yeah why not
    ✮ fr0sty: u ever do it
    Slayin: yeah obv lol
    Slayin: i have to when helping people unless im stacked on knifes
    ✮ fr0sty: stack up on knives then do it
    Slayin: whats the diffrence
    ✮ fr0sty: idkk
    ✮ fr0sty: you wont lose it all if you do
    Slayin: i won my whole inventory
    ✮ fr0sty: lol
    Slayin: so i dont care if i lose it all


    ✮ fr0sty: i met him 2 weeks ago
    ✮ fr0sty: we talked on ts alot
    ✮ fr0sty: he has a dragon lore
    ✮ fr0sty: and a 3k inventory
    ✮ fr0sty: and we talk
    ✮ fr0sty: and he says i can help u grow ur inventory
    ✮ fr0sty: we can bet together on csgojackpot, csgoarena etc.
    ✮ fr0sty: and il give u a cut so we can bothh get bigger
    ✮ fr0sty: i said sure great!
    ✮ fr0sty: a week later. hes really nice.
    ✮ fr0sty: he says ok, lets do it! we have a good change
    ✮ fr0sty: chance
    ✮ fr0sty: so i question him.
    ✮ fr0sty: he says he helped another friend in the past like me
    ✮ fr0sty: sends me his profile
    ✮ fr0sty: i say wow
    ✮ fr0sty: he cant do anything bad to me
    ✮ fr0sty: trade offer accept
    ✮ fr0sty: boom
    ✮ fr0sty: blocked
    ✮ fr0sty: leaves teamspeak

    STORY 2:
    So I met the Scammer about 2 weeks ago. We talked for a while and I noticed he had an extraordinary inventory worth around $3,500.00. I asked him after a week if he could give me any trading advice to build my inventory to be like his. He replied saying yes. We can bet on csgojackpot. I was hesitant say yeah but it's risky. He goes "oh, it's OK" I will put in my expensive skin (Dragon Lore), if you contribute. The cut will be 60/40 and you will get some money. I agreed after a long time of thinking. I questioned him and he told me that one of his friends he helped by doing the same thing. I checked the friends inventory and it was great as well. I gained his trust and eventually we did it. As soon as this happened. The Scammer then quickly left TeamSpeak and Blocked me on Steam.

    A player like this does not deserve anything that has to do with the community as he is ruining it and giving it a bad reputation.

    Attached Files:

  2. Chride2k8

    Chride2k8 Not so custom title

    Apr 10, 2012
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    Have you got any screenshots of the initial deal?
    |LZ| Feesh-E likes this.
  3. ✮ fr0sty

    ✮ fr0sty Registered

    Sep 18, 2015
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    no they were before the 9/16 and i dont think im able to go back before this since he blocked me. the deal is in ss1
  4. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    The trade agreement is absolutely required for reports of this nature. Rejected.
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