| steamname: User | steam3ID: [U:1:133901189] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:66950594 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198094166917 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hawnter | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198094166917 Why I got tagged: Because I scammed some one by taking his stuff. https://lethal.zone/threads/76561198094166917-maomaoh.23375/ Why should should the tag get removed? Because, I noticed how bad scamming is and I am paying back everyone with my alt.. I have two main discussion in steamrep: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-76561198236246724-freedyfreeze-banned-by-sr.119047/ This one written by my alt. And by going here http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198094166917 and reading the discussion you can see I am paying back all the other people too.. I am really sorry of what I have done, I was a scumbag and I am not expecting much.. Anyways I paid everyone's back from that account. I also have 2 more alts: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198118704727, http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198134277097.. I am using this account to pay them back: | steamname: FreddyFreeze | steam3ID: [U:1:275980996] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:137990498 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198236246724 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/id26 | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198236246724 I am really sorry of my actions, I hope in your reply
I think I should have finished now. I reached an agreement with Kakarambonia (the last person I paid) and made happy the others with keys Edit: I posted the screenshoots that show I have reached an agreement with him. (I gave him a bill's hat and a pair of earbuds in advance for when I'd get all the keys to pay him back) Edit2: For some reason screenshoots aren't uploading correctly so I will just put the link to imgur http://imgur.com/a/pGXMw NuMetaller said that he will download them and upload them himself later. Edit 3: When I say "I made happy the others with keys" you can check that by just going in the link to steamrep that I posted at bottom
Me and FreddyFreeze reached an agreement. He gave me the bill's hat and earbuds in advance. He promised to sell his Strange Unusual Deep Cover Operator with Unusual Effect: Stormy Storm and give me the full price of the hat he got scammed of me. I am satisfied as long as the money will be repayed.
Here are the screenshots of the agreement. Kakarambonia please inform us when you've recieved the money / keys he owes you so we can proceed with the appeal.
We reached an agreement , which I posted in previous comment. Apeal can be proceeded. I will let you know about his further actions.
I don't think you understand, only AFTER repayment, the appeal can proceed. Him selling items is fine, but till you see your repayment on YOUR account, the appeal won't proceed.
He understood, I talked to NuMetaller, who is a trade admin, he said that everything it's ok as so, also I paid back everyone else, not only him and I can't just sell my items unless people who trade with me get marked aswell. Plus I already gave him a bill's hat and a pair of earbuds to let him see that I'd pay him the keys as soon as I trade the hat. How can I sell my hat if I am banned from OP and BP? Would ever anyone trade with me?
Edit: I'll try selling it anyways. Please hold the report till I sell it Edit2: A friend decided to help me, I may be able to get the keys in 3 days Edit3: That friend who's helping me have to wait 3 days more because of escrow. Been this time I am able to give said amount to kakarambonia, I am just telling you if you can wait a bit more.. Thank you very much EDIT4: I have finally got the keys.. for some reason lethal zone doesn't let me upload the screen of the keys directly here so I am just pasting the link from imgur (http://imgur.com/Rw5LAtT). Tomorrow kakarambonia will write himself that I paid him I think.. I have just to trade him the keys now. P.S.: I already said this but i'll explain it again: appeal has been done with user's account (because I had scammed kakarambonia with this one) but I am both banned from number guy's account, user's account and freddyfreeze's account. I asked Valve to terminate number guy's account, but the tag still remains on SR.. I am using freddy's account to pay the ppl back because I have left user's account to not have nothing affilied with scamming, as I said I don't want to scam anymore
Well the FreddyFreze send me the keys, but the trade is delayed for 72 hours because he didn't have his phone steam guard thingy ready.
You have several reports on all of your confirmed alt accounts, several of which are recent and less than one year old. I see that you have repaid several of your victims. Some haven't confirmed full repayment. Please have them confirm full repayment before replying to your appeal here. Listed reports: http://forums.steamrep.com/search/5...c[node]=3+43+34+60+35+36+37+38+41+42+39+52+17 http://forums.steamrep.com/search/5...c[node]=3+43+34+60+35+36+37+38+41+42+39+52+17 http://forums.steamrep.com/search/5...c[node]=3+43+34+60+35+36+37+38+41+42+39+52+17
Alright I'll ask them to do that, but there is a guy who hasn't been accepting my friend request even after I sent it like 4 or 5 times, and another guy who is now trade banned.. What should I do with those?
Yes, but I was trying to say that one of the guy who I have scammed is now trade banned.. So what do I do with him?
I have done it. It took me a while to reach all people again and let them confirm full repayment but I have finally done it.. What's now?
Sorry, I don't usually up threads because I know you are busy, but it's been about 2 months now. Any news? I finished paying back the guys a while ago!
What he said^ Make sure they all have their forum accounts linked to their Steam accounts when they post. Thanks.
They did that already in their own report on SteamRep. Do I need them to confirm repayment here aswell? Edit: I asked them to confirm here repayment aswell also if there already was a confirmation on their own steamrep thread