Accused profile: 76561198206801164 | steamname: FiggyS | steam3ID: [U:1:246535436] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:123267718 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim profile: 76561198076436647 | steamname: Ifaq Yurmama >S GUARDIAN PIN | steam3ID: [U:1:116170919] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:58085459 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: What happened? Description: This guy added me a while ago and we made a trade, he promised to give me another item at a later point as it was trade banned (R8 Fade MW). After the trade ban was over i sent him a offer as we discussed, he didnt accept it for another 3 days and ignored every one of my messages. When i told him to accept the offer when i came online, he removed me. This is a scam because he took my items without actually giving his. I really hope you can ban this guy and that i provided enough evidence for you so he wont scam others in the future. (The chat screenshots are from my mobile phone, hope that isnt an issue)
Hello there and thank you for the report. The screenshot from your trade history shouldn't be edited, could you please upload a new one that isn't edited. Also, the beginning of the chat is missing so do you have it all stored by any chance and which items were you supposed to get?
he promised to give me a r8 fade mw as soon as it became tradable. the chat before was only greetings and him proposing his offer, i dont think i have a ss of that
So he included the deagle in the trade even though the written agreement was r8 + knife? Also please don't report on steamrep after reporting at a partner community. Would be best to ask SR to close that case as it is handled here.
the deal was knife + deagle +r8 (later) for my knife. i always post in both forums to ensure it gets read