I went to CSGO Rep and saw that there was a lot of people hosting giveaways http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CSGOREPorts And I thought I might as well do the same. I didn't know it was illegal since so many people did it already! I was 100% going to give a away the knife! But had to delete the post because Lethal Zone reported me. I really thought it was okay what I was doing! Give away a knife for some "+rep" Why couldn't they just message me saying it is not okay instead of reporting me? I have my personal information in my Bio, I am clearly not a fraud. I hope you guys can forgive me a remove this negative reputation status. I am new to trading and I just want people to trust me. I am sorry and it will never happen again. Steamrep http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198011405339 Sincerely, Jakob
Heres your SteamRep block (so we can easily search for this thread later): | steamname: ✪ Don Domingo (Trading Knife) | steam3ID: [U:1:51139611] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:25569805 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011405339 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Don_Domingo | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198011405339 I'll put this appeal forward for review. Related (private): https://lethal.zone/threads/76561198011405339-related.24347/
At the time that your repfarming there started there was literally no other post nor comment like that and if there was such a comment the it must have been very well hidden. You didn't remove the post, you got banned and all your posts got deleted. So, why would you need the farmed fake cash rep? P.S. It's not negative rep, it's not a scammer tag. It's a caution to warn others that your rep isn't legit.
I understand what you are saying! But I see these giveaways all the time - So I really thought it was ok to do it. What if I delete all the 19 comments on my profile will you remove the big yellow warning on my Steam Rep profile? Please I am beggin. I will never do anything like this again! sincerely, Jakob
You got caught "farming fake cash rep" which is a serious offense especially in 'CS:GORep' where users have their legitimate and real Rep Threads not like the other "Rep Boost" groups you "see all the time". Why would you even try and farm fake cash rep by the way if it's only a giveaway which I'm definitely sure it's fake?
I can see that now Edvard. It's just that people like these (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/eslcs/discussions/0/405692224235753861/) do it all the time. Well I have now deleted every comment ever left on my profile now.. - I really hope that you guys can give me a second chance http://steamcommunity.com/id/Don_Domingo/ Sincerly, Jakob
Hi, we've decided that your tag should only be appeal-able in 3 months time, you can appeal again then.