Accused: | steamname: ehardyy | steam3ID: [U:1:27808346] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:13904173 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Accused for: - Farming fake cash reputation.
I was pretty sure +reps means nothing and everyone knows about that. I care only about count of quantity. I have a clean history of trades. So, why I should take caution tag ?
That's why you're not being issued with a full ban tag. There is no reason to be asking for +rep on your profile unless you are preparing for a scam or something similar, either way you're trying to appear more reputable than you actually are. Hence, we issue a caution to inform traders that there is a potential risk of dealing with you, since you could appear more reputable than you actually are to them. Understand better now or is there anything else related I could answer for you?
Okay, I can delete every fake rep, but anyway I have alot true reps, so I think it's problem. If I remove the fake reps, it will change anything? or I can't escape tag ? And you right, it's nice for scammers, but I am trader and trying to get profit from every single trade.
Like Enstage said, there's no reason for you to be farming fake rep. More rep won't necessarily equate to more profit. You're free to delete all of the fake reputation and post an appeal, but asking for it to be removed here will do nothing for you.
I will take away sh*t from my wall and post an appeal. Thank you for your reply, that's all I needed. <3
First of all you are not farming random "+reps" you are farming fake CASH rep which is a serious offense because you are deceiving other traders that you are more reputable than you actually are, like Enstage mentioned it. Secondly, if you are a "serious" trader you should already know that having more "+reps" especially on your Steam Profile doesn't mean anything because those "reps" are worthless. But not worthless to newcomers and new traders because they're easily deceived by users like you. I can't really find any legitimate 'Cash Rep thread' that you would have, i checked your "steamgifts" profile there are 0 "reps", backpack: 0, tf2outpost inactive so in summary I didn't find any legitimate cash rep thread that you have. When I was getting the needed evidence you were spamming with dosens and dosens of comments requesting "fake cash rep" and not just random "+reps" like you mentioned above. You joined the group: 'CSGORep' but I can't find your Rep thread there and you don't have it linked anywhere so basically you only have your fake Steam Profile worthless "+reps". You don't have anything to appeal yet because you are not tagged/banned anywhere on SteamRep and this report is in 'Pending' state as you can see it above. Last but not least just because you noticed somehow you have a Pending Tag and said that you will delete all the fake rep you farmed up that doesn't mean you will avoid your deserved tag, because if you are thinking like this then what would be the point of SteamRep, right?