| steamname: f0rz1 # hsCorp.de | steam3ID: [U:1:91321557] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:45660778 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051587285 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/f0rz1 | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198051587285 Why I got tagged: I Robbed someone, promised him some keys on an agreed date but then just ignored him since i didnt have the keys for him. this guy kept spamming untill i got tired and in the end i told him you got scammed. Original report by victim: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198051587285-steam-steam-games.131246/ Why should should the tag get removed? Because that red Banned yoke doesn't look good, people are asking me questions oh and i have also given the kid his stuff back. kind regads, f0rz1
Please contact the victim and get them to reply to this thread, stating that they have been repaid by you with proof. Their Steam account must be linked to their forum account.
i've returned his game that was stolen, but this person has blocked me after returning.. also i've been in contact with chride2k8 perhaps he confirm he has also been intouch with the victim. not picking on you guys but i've looked at the other appeals here, theres people who have sorted out there stuff and waiting for like 6 months..
All images must be uploaded to the forum using the "Upload a File" button. We cannot accept screenshots hosted on external services. Those appeals are waiting for a reason, lets focus on your appeal and not theirs. Thanks!
@Enstage clearly yous are slow, this will probably end up like theres going no where. but here you go!
I responded to this appeal within an hour of your last post and within 12 hours of the thread.... I don't see how I am slow. As stated above by a514n, the victim will need to post here and confirm the repayment. This has been a long standing policy and we cannot change it or go around it. If Chride wishes to post a screenshot of the victim confirming the repayment, that is OK too. I wish you luck getting in contact with the victim.
and i told you's he blocked me.. how am i meant to contact him? why don't you guys make an effort to contact him and get him reply here? thanks! EDIT: his profile link, http://steamcommunity.com/id/The_Forgotten_One
I amended my post immediately before you posted this, I don't know if you saw it or not: You can also try contacting him through common friends, or adding people from his friends list and requesting they pass on a message. It is your job to make an effort to right your wrongs, not ours.
alright i'll look into it but if chride or Fts replied here with the proof that he confirmed he got his game back. I don't want to see this being dragged like the other peeps!! have a good day sir!
i've posted the screenshot as proof that i have returned his gift to him, he has blocked me, now im not gonna ask him or or ask someone else to ask him to post here. ofc its your job to look check if the gift has been returned or what not because you's are the ones that listed me as a banned user!! very quick to ban people when it comes to fixing things yous are slow as hell those others reports say everything!! nuff said, meh
It doesn't matter if YOU post the screenshot of the return; the victim themselves must post proof and confirm the repayment. That's policy. How is it the Trade Admin's job to check? They don't have access to either of your accounts (nor should you grant them access), and you're the one that wants to be unbanned. You provide them the information they need to make a decision if you don't want this appeal to be invalidated. While you're free to express your opinion as you see fit, the last 2 lines of your post don't exactly shed a positive light on yourself. Why would they give any of them incentive to "process your report faster", when you're just showing them attitude? The Trade Admins are all volunteers; they dedicate their free time here. They have their own lives, and don't exactly spend every waking moment processing reports and appeals. You may think that your ban was undeserved and you may be completely right, but your appeal must go through the same process that every other one does. You said it yourself; they may be "slow" to respond to other reports, but there ARE other reports; yours doesn't take priority over others. Have patience. If you want this appeal to be accepted, just provide the information that the Trade Admins request. Contact the victim in some way to get them to prove that you repaid, or this will likely go nowhere. Your comments regarding the speed and timeframe of the appeal certainly aren't helping matters, so for the Trade Admins' sakes and for your own, I'd suggest that you keep them to yourself.
touchy aswell listen, the victim has blocked me and i will not try to get in contact with the guy to reply here one yous can do that! lamers EDIT: keep that BANNED tag there. yous are a joke. have a good one
Rejected at request of the appellant. You show little remorse for your actions, and little will to repay the victims of your scams. You are still a danger to the community and hence your tag will remain as a warning to the community. You're a scammer, I'm not going to go out of my way to get you unmarked. But if you present with me evidence that says you shouldn't be marked, or should be unmarked. Then I will remove your tag.