Hello, I would Like To Report a scam of a user of the name Alex. He blocked Me So I Can not take any screen shots of his account. I do Have Screen shots of the chat and steam trading history the conversation I have was edited by him. I traded him for a $50 steam card for my items and he never gave me the code to the card when I reported him to the trading server I was on he edited the convo and made it look like I said Thanks Got it +rep but I never said that here are the screen shots
Link To My Profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198125921401 Link to His profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198125921401 A video Showing some of our trades and in the end he just left and never came back or replied to my messages More Screen Shots Showing him Trying to fake the code in and I typed the code in and it was invalid