| steamname: Mcdog | steam3ID: [U:1:94541963] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:47270981 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054807691 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DerpyLine | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198054807691 Why I got tagged: For being a Alt account to a scammer https://lethal.zone/threads/76561198164094448-james-spendingmoney.23526/ Why should should the tag get removed?: I hate to plea ignorance but that is all i have, My Roomate used to trade items to me telling me to hold onto them, I knew they where from some illegal Actions but i didnt notice what type of illegal transactions he was making. My roommate loved playing runescape and he had played it for a while. NOTE: Trading Runescape items for any outside currency Eg. Money and Other game Items is illegal in runescape He told me he was selling all his rs (Runescape) Items for csgo weapon skins and he asked me to keep them for him until his new account was allowed to trade (He made a new smurf ( i know)) so i did. After i traded his items after 1 week i asked him what items did he sell on RS that he could get all these skins then he told me that he didn't sell his RS items but he was scamming on csgolounge.com. I personaly didn't really care how he got his skins he was my Roomy i didn't wanna make it heated between us so i just told him "If you're going to scam your skins i do not want to transfer anymore" he respected my decision and that's how it ended. After a while i noticed that i was banned on Steam Rep and thats why i'm here. I don't think that i did nothing wrong i should of been more careful with transferring but he was my room mate so i didn't. After this i will always make sure where steam items come from before transferring Items. NOTE: Trading Runescape items for any outside currency Eg. Money and Other game Items is illegal in runescape
This is bullshit, almost all related accounts have reports, Valve trade bans, etc. And there is no way to "distinguish" this account from the bunch of others.
Unfortunately, like Datastorm said, the evidence /against/ you is very thorough. You'll need to /definitively/ prove that you are not associated with those accounts.
sorry for being ignorant to the situation but what other accounts are you talking about? Edit: if you are talking about my roomate i can get a pic of both us if you want but might be a while he has moved to his parents house for the holidays might be able to get it in maybe 2-5 weeks depending on what time we will be ok to hang out