| steamname: Gabeismon - buying all skins | steam3ID: [U:1:176353946] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:88176973 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198136619674 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/gabeismon | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198136619674 account in question | steamname: CSGLNG | Omalevandalad93 | steam3ID: [U:1:208590213] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:104295106 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198168855941 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Omalevandalad93 | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198168855941 Why I got tagged: for impersonation of a csgl admin on a account that is not mine. Why should should the tag get removed? link to the pastebin with the full details on the situation, can post the whole pastebins words here if need be. http://pastebin.com/JQ6px1m1
@gabeismon could I get you to attach your Steam account to your forum account, appeals cannot be accepted without this. Here is the pastebin as well: Spoiler: Pastebin Text so basically what happened is on feb 5th, my cash rep was locked for the reason of scamming so i contacted the moderator for cash rep chride2k8 for assistance. He told me i got banned because of having a steam account with a csgo lounge steam name. The account was somehow “linked” to my main and my alt account although they have NEVER had it added. I speculated that at most it could be an account of a friend of mine ( it may not be, but that was the best guess i had to why it is somehow linked to me ). He told me regardless that im at fault and that im going to stay banned. He claimed we share the same ISP, and i live in florida, so having comcast as my ISP relates to 50% of the state. Comcast is the biggest ISP in florida, but because a account with the same ISP as me means it has to be my account. I have over 13k in cash trades buying/selling on ESEA forums, and i am a well known and respected seller/buyer on the forums. He basically told me unless i can prove that that account isnt mine, that im shit out of luck. The account he linked me has 0 friends, has NOT been online in **200 days**, two hundred fucking days and im getting instant banned for it. The fact that i got banned for a assumption on ISP’s is fucking dumb, and that the account is 200 days inactive. Especially since its NOT MY ACCOUNT!!!!! i message him a few days later saying this “i literally didnt htink you were gonna keep me banned. Ive been trading for months and have never had complains, and ive been real cash trading for months and never had complains. Im respected in my community by alot, and i had afriend who is even more known and respected vouch for me without me even asking them, they did it on there own. I DONT SCAM, THAT IS NOT MY ACCOUNT. This is now going to directly affect me outside of selling. The only reason i trade, is because this is my job isntead of a normal one. Im a full time college student and this is the only flexible schedule that works for me around my school. I use my profits for trading to pay for my TUITION. This isnt just a side income, its my only source of income and what i use for my daily life. I dont know what else to tell you other than you banend me 100% when i dont deserve it because i did NOTHING wrong. its 100% false accusations and if you really arent going to rectify the mistake, thanks for putting me in a shit situation irl.” This is actually what i do with trading and why i buy and sell, and the fact that he didnt even care to respond to me upsets me alot. I tried adding every other mod and admin on cash rep and no others would add me back. I am now as of 2/7/10 also steam rep banned off steam rep and banned off csgolounge because of that ban. This whole thing happening to me is super unfair and i need help with getting the problem fixed. I talked to a good friend of mine who has significantly more cash rep than me and is 10x bigger and well known on esea for selling items and he voluntarily talked to chride about my ban because he felt it was unfair. I didnt even ask him to do it and he took it upon himself because he knows im legit. chride talked to him for a while explaining why im banned, but when my friend responded with how if thats the true reason, then i shouldnt be banned he just ignored him. ive taken what little i had of my convo with my friend trill and put it in a pastebin to read. If i stay banned, this wont affect me just in game but also for real life, i used this income to pay for school and to live. this is quite literally fucking me. please someone or some other mod/admin help!!! My steam ID - http://steamcommunity.com/id/gabeismon/ my steam rep - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CSGOREPorts/discussions/5/527274088385356661/ My esea - https://play.esea.net/users/712436 Account in question to be mine - http://steamcommunity.com/id/Omalevandalad93/ my friend trill talking to chride and questioning about my ban w/o a response -- http://prntscr.com/a1p0jo pastebin of me and trill talking - http://pastebin.com/xxxFSr7T i can show for over 50k in cash rep transactions w/ proof on esea over the past 40 days ive been banned.
heres a few of my past cash rep threads from the past 45 days. https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=forums&d=topic&id=739853&find_comment_number=4 https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=forums&d=topic&id=735171 https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=forums&d=topic&id=739979&find_comment_number=1#n1 https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=forums&d=topic&id=732069&find_comment_number=41 https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=forums&d=topic&id=705941&find_comment_number=66 https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=forums&d=topic&id=690737&find_comment_number=26
@Enstage sorry, i wasnt trying to bump, just havnt heard anything back for quite a while now and was hoping for a update :/ sorry!
Please upload all those screenshots from the pastebin to the forums please. You can do this by clicking "Upload a File". Thanks.
@Enstage here is the pastebin posted out completely + the correct image links uploaded to the forums instead of linked! let me know if i fixed it correctly. so basically what happened is on Feb 5th, my cash rep was locked for the reason of scamming so i contacted the moderator for cash rep chride2k8 for assistance. He told me i got banned because of having a steam account with a csgo lounge steam name. The account was somehow “linked” to my main and my alt account although they have NEVER had it added. I speculated that at most it could be an account of a friend of mine ( it may not be, but that was the best guess i had to why it is somehow linked to me ). He told me regardless that im at fault and that im going to stay banned. He claimed we share the same ISP, and i live in Florida, so having Comcast as my ISP relates to 50% of the state. Comcast is the biggest ISP in Florida, but because a account with the same ISP as me means it has to be my account. I have over 13k in cash trades buying/selling on ESEA forums, and i am a well known and respected seller/buyer on the forums. He basically told me unless i can prove that that account isn't mine, that im shit out of luck. The account he linked me has 0 friends, has NOT been online in **200 days**, two hundred fucking days and im getting instant banned for it. The fact that i got banned for a assumption on ISP’s is fucking dumb, and that the account is 200 days inactive. Especially since its NOT MY ACCOUNT!!!!! i message him a few days later saying this “i literally didn't think you were gonna keep me banned. I've been trading for months and have never had complains, and ive been real cash trading for months and never had complains. Im respected in my community by a lot, and i had a friend who is even more known and respected vouch for me without me even asking them, they did it on there own. I DONT SCAM, THAT IS NOT MY ACCOUNT. This is now going to directly affect me outside of selling. The only reason i trade, is because this is my job instead of a normal one. Im a full time college student and this is the only flexible schedule that works for me around my school. I use my profits for trading to pay for my TUITION. This isnt just a side income, its my only source of income and what i use for my daily life. I dont know what else to tell you other than you banned me 100% when i dont deserve it because i did NOTHING wrong. its 100% false accusations and if you really arent going to rectify the mistake, thanks for putting me in a shit situation irl.” This is actually what i do with trading and why i buy and sell, and the fact that he didnt even care to respond to me upsets me alot. I tried adding every other mod and admin on cash rep and no others would add me back. I am now as of 2/7/10 also steam rep banned off steam rep and banned off csgolounge because of that ban. This whole thing happening to me is super unfair and i need help with getting the problem fixed. I talked to a good friend of mine who has significantly more cash rep than me and is 10x bigger and well known on esea for selling items and he voluntarily talked to chride about my ban because he felt it was unfair. I didnt even ask him to do it and he took it upon himself because he knows im legit. chride talked to him for a while explaining why im banned, but when my friend responded with how if thats the true reason, then i shouldn't be banned he just ignored him. ive taken what little i had of my convo with my friend trill and put it in a pastebin to read. If i stay banned, this wont affect me just in game but also for real life, i used this income to pay for school and to live. this is quite literally fucking me. please someone or some other mod/admin help!!! My steam ID - http://steamcommunity.com/id/gabeismon/ my steam rep - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CSGOREPorts/discussions/5/527274088385356661/ My esea - https://play.esea.net/users/712436 Account in question to be mine - http://steamcommunity.com/id/Omalevandalad93/ my friend trill talking to chride and questioning about my ban w/o a response : picture is uploaded below. i can show for over 50k~ in cash rep transactions w/ proof on esea since the ban.
@Enstage Omg thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my cash rep thread is still locked, could you have somebody unlock it for me? http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CSGOREPorts/discussions/5/527274088385356661/
@Enstage @Gentleman i have one question to ask will i be marked again in the future by chance if another admin looks at it? or is there a special note on my account linking my unban or something of the sort? http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198168... this is the alt account that i got cleared from being mine, but it still shows my main account as a alt of it and i just dont want to get in trouble for it again. could my main be removed from that account, and quite possibly my alt? since i was cleared of that not being mine, i just want to prevent future bans from the same reason. also, my alt still has a steamrep ban but i truly dont care if it does, basically touching up on what i just said, with my alt being banned, can that affect my main account again in the future? if you could let me know that would be awesome! i just dont want to ever have to go through this process again for obvious reasons haha. thanks for reading!!!