Accused: | steamname: Karlsson | steam3ID: [U:1:17980943] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:8990471 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Accused for: - Farming fake reputation. Additional Evidence: - -
Hey.. I saw that I got banned from the CSGOREP group and it has bothered me ever since. I don't even know why I joined the CSGO REP BOOSTING group. Rep threads are pretty much forbidden and I know that now. Since they give people reps without them earning it in a legitimate way. I have read all the rules on the CSGOREP group and I don't even know why I would even want to get rep that way, especially since I've recently just started with trading keys. I feel so bad for what I've done and I really regret it. I have now removed all the fake +reps on my profile and left the group that I know am against. Therefore I'd like to ask you, and I hope you understand me and that everone deserves a second chance, well not everyone but because this was such a small thing and I understand that the CSGOREP staff team takes that very seriously wich i totally understand. With all respect and I understand if you say "No" to this Could you please appeal the ban and I promise, and I really do - to never do anything like this ever again, +rep are earned and I know that. Thank you for reading this Edward, have a wonderful day <3 -Erik
Hello @Karlsson , First of all this post is irrelevant to this report because Lethal Zone and CSGORep are two separate things. Second of all you are permanently banned from CSGORep for farming fake reputation and NO appeal will be granted there. You can read the Rules and Guidelines of "CSGORep" for more information. You started farming fake reputation and two hours later you got banned from CSGORep, having a change of heart in 2-3 hours like that nobody will believe you, hence you are permanently banned from CSGORep. Beside all of this you didn't just "joined a rep boosting group" you made a thread too requesting / farming for fake reputation, and please stop spamming the same messages everywhere.
That's up to you to decide, but regarding CSGORep you are banned there and no appeal will be granted. Please stop posting irrelevant posts in reports and spamming the same message everywhere.
Well, what can I say. It was a very stupid choice of me to make and I will not stop thinking about it until the problem is solved. And that's not just about this stuff, it's about everything that happens me. As soon as I see that someone is mad at me, or that I have done something and tries to solve it but can't, I can't stop thinking about it. Anyways, thank you so much for even reading the messages I've been writing and even that makes me happy and I understand your decision as staff wich I respect. By now you're probably really tired of me <3 But I won't bother you anymore and thanks for everything you've done Bye c: