Accused: | steamname: Promithios.TKD✔✔✔ | steam3ID: [U:1:135932511] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:67966255 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Accused for: - Item Scam Additional Evidence: (Video of transaction then block) - (Rep -6) -[title_only]=1&c[node]=3+43+34+60+35+36+37+38+41+42+39+52+17 (Other reports of his scamming) Spoiler: Trade Inventory History, Paypal Activity, and Chat Transcript Trade Inventory History: (In next post due to File Upload Max) My Paypal Activity: Chat Transcript:
Hello @KoreanBBQ , Please link your Steam account to your Lethal Zone forum account. To continue with this report I need the following: - Uncropped screenshot of your Inventory History from the web browser pointing your mouse on the accused's name so a hypertext URL will popup in the bottom left of the browser. - Uncropped screenshot of your Inventory History from the Steam client with the URL bar enabled. Remember: -all screenshots should be taken from the Steam client where possible. -when taking screenshots from the Client, the URL bar should be enabled. -all screenshots should not be edited in any way (blanking out of your account username is allowed). -all screenshots should not be cropped in any way. -all screenshots should be upload directly to the forums using the "Upload a File" button. You will have 7 days to provide the expected evidence, thanks!
Spoiler: Inventory History Screenshots Steam Inventory History Screenshot Web Browser Inventory History Screenshot
Thank you for providing the requested evidence! Adding more information on the additional offense and moving to final review. Additional offense: - Impersonation with intent to defraud. Historical Data Evidence: Impersonated user: | steamname: ☆Penguin The Fluffy | steam3ID: [U:1:20910806] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:10455403 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Ready for Review: 1. PayPal Scam 2. Impersonation with intent to defraud.
Thanks for the report. A full tag will be applied to the accused for impersonation with intent to defraud and a PayPal scam.