Found a guy on reddit/r/pins4skins and added him in regards to a Cache S2 CSGO Pin. In his comments he had a trader with an overpass pin who said he went first and all went well. For some reason this was enough to me, i talked to the scammer for about an hour prior to trading and felt safe to go first ( I know i fucked up ) I have compiled all the proof I have against him. Thank you. -Serpent Heres his dets: | steamname: Maverad #SellingS2Pins | steam3ID: [U:1:71312281] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:35656140 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Heres my dets:
Sorry for my poor formatting first time on the site. Trying to resolve all the issues with my post now.