SCAMER: | steamname: DiZZEi -BLITZKRIEG- | steam3ID: [U:1:147891990] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:73945995 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim: | steamname: Lag i Luk | steam3ID: [U:1:43463732] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:21731866 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description: he offerd me M4A1-S Icarus Fell FN for my CSGO Pin: Baggage after code activation he unfriend blocked me in trade window :/ next day he trade his M4A1-S Icarus Fell in to Keys.
Hello @Lag i Luk , To continue with this report I need the following: Uncropped screenshot of your Inventory History from the Steam client showing at least one day before and one day after the scam took place. Remember: - all screenshots should be taken from the Steam client where possible. - when taking screenshots from the Client, the URL bar should be enabled. - all screenshots should not be edited in any way (blanking out of your account username is allowed). - all screenshots should not be cropped in any way. (preferably make a print screen) - all screenshots should be upload directly to the forums using the "Upload a File" button. You will have 7 days to provide the requested evidence, thanks!
Remember: - all screenshots should be taken from the Steam client where possible. - when taking screenshots from the Client, the URL bar should be enabled. - all screenshots should not be edited in any way (blanking out of your account username is allowed). - all screenshots should not be cropped in any way. (preferably make a print screen) - all screenshots should be upload directly to the forums using the "Upload a File" button.
@Lag i Luk , Enable the URL bar in your Steam client's settings tab, then go to your Inventory History and take the screenshot in fullscreen one day before and one day after the scam took place. Your screenshot needs to be fullscreen, uncropped and unedited. By the way you are allowed to censor your steam account's username at the top right corner of your Steam client. You have 24 hours to follow up, thanks!
After reviewing this, and after careful discussion with Edward, I've reached the conclusion that we will not be able to tag for this offence, unfortunately. Tagging for code scams is already a bit of a shady area and not many (if any) partner communities do it -- we believe it is only possible in specific circumstances; circumstances which have not been met in this report. Thanks for the report nevertheless.