Scammer (account he used to scam me): | steamname: Twine- | steam3ID: [U:1:182454989] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:91227494 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Scammers Alt: | steamname: Twine | steam3ID: [U:1:253896064] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:126948032 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim: | steamname: riknad0 | steam3ID: [U:1:124455468] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:62227734 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description: It was very late at night around 3-4am EST, I was looking to sell the remaining of my 40 keys and found a post where someone was buying keys at 1.85 a piece. I commented on their reddit post saying I added you, please respond ASAP. I was then approached by Twine, he added me saying he saw my comment and was interested in buying 27 of my keys at $2 each. I was a little skeptical and tired. He linked me his cashrep and it had a few comments, I didn't bother looking at the players who commented on his post so I just trusted him. I went first considering I had no cashrep whatsoever. Sent him the 27 keys and my paypal email in the trade offer. He stops talking for a while and told me "PayPal is down I think" , So I responded with "I just sent someone money not to long ago." He pauses again then says "Check your trade offers." He returned 12 keys and started giving me a story saying he got scammed and he wanted to make back what he lost. I started freaking out and called him on steam where he was literally a complete asshole saying "You should be grateful you got 12 back" I was very mad. I wasted about an hour talking to him through voice chat where he was just asking me dumb questions, He told me to check my PayPal where he sent me $5. He then added me back after being banned off cashrep, and added me back to give me my 12 keys. He latyer was complaining about filing a report of a false scam allegation via cashrep ( ) Screenshots: - Chat of the night he scammed me - Proof of trade, as well as when he gave back the 12 keys. - him trying to get me to lie about him scamming me to get unbanned when he gave they keys back.
Hello @riknad0 , Please upload all your screenshots via "Upload a File" button in a reply to this report, and please attach your Steam account to your Lethal Zone forum account, thanks!
Open every imgur image from the album gallery in a new tab and download them separately, then upload all the remaining screenshots in a reply to this report via "Upload a File" button, thanks!
Hello @riknad0 , To continue with this report I need the following: Uncropped screenshot of your Inventory History from the Steam client one day before the scam took place until the present. Uncropped screenshot of your Inventory History from the web browser pointing your mouse on the accused's name so a hypertext URL will popup in the bottom left of your browser. ( screenshot when the scam took place ) Uncropped screenshot of your Trade Offer History from the Steam Client where the PayPal email is mentioned pointing your mouse on the accused's avatar so his steam name and avatar will popup beside the Trade Offer in question. Uncropped screenshot of your PayPal Activity in detailed fullscreen view. Remember: - all screenshots should be taken from the Steam client where possible. - when taking screenshots from the Client, the URL bar should be enabled. - all screenshots should not be edited in any way (blanking out of your account username is allowed). - all screenshots should not be cropped in any way. (preferably make a print screen so your whole screen is visible) - all screenshots should be upload directly to the forums using the "Upload a File" button. You will have 7 days to provide the expected evidence, thanks!
Please provide uncropped screenshots of your Inventory History from the Steam client one day before the scam took place until the present. To be more specific I need screenshots from July 21st until the present day with overlapping trades. Remember: - all screenshots should be taken from the Steam client where possible. - when taking screenshots from the Client, the URL bar should be enabled. - all screenshots should not be edited in any way (blanking out of your account username is allowed). - all screenshots should not be cropped in any way. (preferably make a print screen so your whole screen is visible) - all screenshots should be upload directly to the forums using the "Upload a File" button.
As mentioned in my story, after he found out he was banned from CashRep he decided to add me back to get me to lie about the -rep I posted on his page and offered my keys back.
@riknad0 , Yes, I can see that there is some sort of a blackmail from the accused. The accused has been banned from CSGORep permanently. Thank you for the report! Ready for Review: Breaking trade agreement.
Really sorry for the delay! We'll be applying a full BANNED tag to the accused for breaking a trade agreement. Thanks!