Scammer: | steamname: OnLy.- | steam3ID: [U:1:78065] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39032 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description SteamRep Farming on Rep Boost. Shown in images Below.
Hello @Edward , I have now attached My Steam Account To My Lethal Forum Account I have also added another image for the "Need More Info",
Hello @Connor181 , To continue with this report I need the following: Uncropped screenshot from the Steam client where the accused is requesting fake reputation pointing your mouse on the accused's steam avatar so his steam name and avatar will popup beside. Uncropped screenshot from the web browser where the accused is requesting fake reputation pointing your mouse on the accused's steam avatar so a hypertext URL will popup in the bottom left of your browser. Remember: - all screenshots should be taken from the Steam client where possible. - when taking screenshots from the Client, the URL bar should be enabled. - all screenshots should not be edited in any way (blanking out of your account username is allowed). - all screenshots should not be cropped in any way. (preferably make a print screen) - all screenshots should be upload directly to the forums using the "Upload a File" button.
Hi Thanks For The Reply @Edward Here are images uncropped of both my Steam Browser ( Sorry For The Steam Skin ) and my Web Browser ( Chrome ) Thanks!
Hello, I know that I made my mistakes farming fake rep, but I have to admit that It wasnt me... Yes, as I said It wasnt me that was farming fake rep, it was my friend that I let him use the account because he wanted to ''know how it feels use a old account'', and im not a scammer If I need to provide proof, please let me know I dont want to have this report for something that Im not, because I dont even trade!... Im ready to provide proof if you need it, I feel so bad because I was doing things fake, and I dont like that kind of things. -Deleted the comments- [Named As Proof 1] -Putted the comments on private-[Named As Proof 2] Also, I just changed the password and Im not giving the steamguard code to my friend again. As Assuming my concecuenses, I deleted all the comments and put them on private on my profile, because that woud never happend again. I really sorry for that and I hope that you understand my situation. Greattings, Only.-
Hello @OnLy.- 2 , I Doubt A "Friend" would Farm Fake Rep On Your Account. And Also Reply back to over profiles "+Rep",
Hello @Connor181, Im really sorry for be farming fake rep. I hope that you forgive me and Im not a scammer, I hope that you understand me, because I feel so bad because u think im a scammer. Please forgive me, I dont wanna have a report, please forgive me, I would do anything that for you and in the trade zone forgive me. Greattings, Only.-
Hello @Connor181, I know that its not your choice, but I want that you know that im really really sorry, and I dont wanna get banned. I hope that you and the admins decide good, and dont ban me for that, Im not going to do it again. Please, I hope that you understand. Greattings, Only.-
Please stop posting in this report, this is not a discussion thread. @OnLy.- 2 , You are trying to "appeal" but you didn't even get tagged on SteamRep yet. I will lock this report until it's finally reviewed and processed to avoid pointless arguments and spam. Related (private):
Report accepted. The accused will receive a caution tag for farming fake reputation. Your account is your responsibility.