1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

Rejected Appeal: 76561198047636834 (BANNED BY LZ-TRADE / Fox Kincaid)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Fox Kincaid, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    Appeal for BANNED BY LZ-TRADE

    User: 76561198047636834 (Fox Kincaid)
    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all offences listed.
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Wrong Alt - Alternate account is not my account
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous appeals: No, this is my first appeal here
    Alternate Accounts:
    | steamname: Maverad #SellingS2Pins
    | steam3ID: [U:1:71312281]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:35656140
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031578009
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/12476268812
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198031578009

    Basically I was told by my brother on 7/16/16 on Steam Voice Chat that he wanted to use my account for some reddit forum to scam people. I said whatever, since I got banned on CSGO for hacking about a year ago and didn't think much about it because I don't use reddit or know much about pin scamming which he claims he was using it for. He then tells me about earlier that he got banned on SteamRep and that I was banned aswel so I told him that he better get me unbanned and so I saw that he needs to repay the person he scammed so I told him to repay him and he said no and now I am basically screwed over because I got banned for no reason. I will honestly do anything I can to prove I am not him, he never had access to my account because I have mobile authenticator and I never let me play on my account since he basically have the same games. The only alt I had was a CSGO account that he bought for me to play which then again got VAC banned. I honestly swear to god, swear on my life, swear on the bible that I am his brother and not his alt account. I mean we both have the same games, old steam accounts and stuff with a lot of hours so I don't know how I can really be his alt. I honestly will do everything I can to prove I am not him if there is a way. I don't steal from people because its so wrong and I wish I could convince him to pay the person back but I just cant. I mean is there any proof that I was even his alt because I don't even know what he posted exactly that got me banned and if there is proof could I please see because I was on my account playing.

    Basically I just like to apologize on his behalf even though he didnt pay the person he scammed back but I just want to say that I honestly am not his alt account and AFAIK there is no proof that I even am except for the fact that he listed me on a reddit forum but I will do anything I can to prove that I am not his alt account and if there is PLEASE tell me because I just don't want this to affect the ARMA community I am in because that would probably affect me in some way which I hope isn't the case. I hope you understand from my perspective and yeah please tell me if there a verification process I could do to prove I am not him. It's currently 3:41 AM so if you reply I will probably be sleeping, please add me or comment on this post because I really just want this to get sorted out.

    Please keep him banned because he did something fucked up and I apologize for even saying yes to allow him to post my account on a reddit forum but I don't know how that means I am his alt account because if he had posted any other account on the reddit forum would they be banned? I dunno but please help me get this resolved!
  2. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    So basically you're saying he used one of your accounts to scam?

    Is "Maverad #SellingS2Pins" your old account or something?
  3. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    No like he liked my profile on a post he made, he said he was trying to exploit the AutoModerator. All he did was link my profile he had no access to it at all.
  4. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Why did you go along and assist him with fraud then?
  5. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    I didn't really assist in any fraud or scam all he did was just ask me if we can post my steam url, like I said he had no access to my account all he did was just write my steam url. Even if I had said no and he just wrote a random profile, that would have basically meant you guys would have banned a random profile. He had no access like I said all he did was copy and paste a link. I don't play CSGO since I am VAC banned so I didn't think much of the repercussions until I was told I was reported on this site which I thought may affect some stuff in the future in my ARMA community that I play on. Like I said in my post, I don't know how to prove I am not his alt and intact his brother but I know for a fact (Not Trying To Be Rude) you guys don''t have any other proof that I am his alt account the only thing you guys have is the fact he copy and pasted a link. If you would like you can tell me a way we can verify that I am not his alt but I just want you to know that there really isn't any proof that I am even his alt besides the fact that we are in similar groups, not really much mutual friends and have both 5 years steam account it's just because we are brothers and have joined the same groups when we played CSS before CSGO came out.
  6. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    How do you know "Maverad #SellingS2Pins" (friend, brother, etc)? Include all the details, do you know each other IRL? Do you share the same computer?

    We would never tag an alt for this reason alone. You are wrong.
  7. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    Like I said in my post I am his brother, we share different computers. I have a desktop in my room and he has a desktop and macbook in his room. I have none of his passwords and he has none of mine, and if he had tried to login my account he would've needed the mobile authenticator code which he cannot get into because I have Touch ID and a complex password he would never figure out. Could you please provide the proof you guys have that makes me his alt according to you guys? AFAIK he had only posted my profile, I don't know what he said all I know is he just asked if he could link my profile some where. I am not trying to be rude I would just like to see the proof you guys have thats all.
  8. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    SteamRep and its partner communities do not share how we find alts.

    Can you please prove you are two separate people (logs from when you play together, maybe). Burden of proof is on you.
  9. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    We don't play games together, he plays CSGO, I play ArmA. We can maybe talk to you on teamspeak or something? You'll be able to see its the same IP and stuff, however that'll prove its two different people talking to you at the same time. I understand you're trying to keep your stuff private and secure for how you track this stuff, but would his alt account really consist of almost completely different friends, (some are mutual as he is friends with some of my friends) but our steams are completely different, mine consists of over 3000 hours on arms and a fair decent amount on other games, where his consists of hours on whatever he plays, however our friends list are represented by the games we play. TeamSpeak would probably be the best way to prove this in my opinion unless you have any other idea.
  10. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    Look I am not trying to start anything bad with this but I just want to know why I am not given a chance to prove I am in fact his brother not his alt. I saw another post with a 9 year old brother and he got unbanned. I can Skype you, Discord, TS, or anything... This is a chat lag from when we last talked (http://imgur.com/a/9e8nC) I would provide more but I can't go back further and see the old messages. I just want to clear things up because I don't want to be false marked and I don't think I can appeal through the SteamREP site itself because I was banned here and it's really just pissing me off. I honestly don't know where my brother is still scamming or not but I can tell you I have never scammed anyone in my life.

    Also to clarify on the pics one his from him that he sent me using the steam client and one was from me on the steam website so you can see the exact time stamps of when each message was sent. He asked me if I was still downloading Black Ops because it makes the WIFI lag when one of us downloads a game from steam or update
  11. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    No one is stopping you....go ahead and prove it...
  12. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    Well there is a chat log between us, I don't really message him but that is the last one.

    I mean like I want to go on TS with you and him so I can prove it that we are different or something.

    I showed as much proof as I can for the time but honestly what proof did you guys have to assume I am his alt? Like I said in the previous posts I am not trying to be rude or anything but he literally wasn't on my account all he did was just link the url (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047636834) on a Reddit thread and supposedly now I am his alt which is not the case whatsoever. He could've posted anyone and they would've been banned. Look at our accounts do you really think I am his alt when we almost play games at the same time and have different friends and lots of hours on games?
  13. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    And like I said previously:
    Burden of proof is on you.
  14. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    Did you not click the imgur link with the steam chat between my Brother and I..... I showed it from his POV on Steam Client and my POV on Steam Website so you can see the timestamps match up and the exact time when the messages were sent. I know you guys don't provide how you find alts but like I said we have the same IP due to living in the same house and using the same internet but I know for a fact the only proof you seem to have is from him just posting my profile link, I am not trying to be aggressive but it's starting to really tick me off that this is happened. It would be nice to know what else I could provide as in proof to make you guys aware that I am not his alt, you said to provide chat logs which I just did. I also offered to use a voice communication program to also prove it but I am not sure what else there really is to show as I would honestly do almost anything to show it but I am not sure what you really need to see. I showed a chat log form the 26th when he asked if I was still downloading a game because it was making the internet lag. We don't play games together as he plays CSGO and I play ARMA and we both have a lot of hours on it which is kind of hard to do if you are an alt account and you can check the steam value on our accounts are very high. If you look at almost any other alt account it is likely a surf account or something. I just want things to be solved and I know I may sound aggressive but it's really like irritating on my side, I did nothing wrong while I am being blamed because of my idiotic fucking brother. I didn't think anything would happen and honestly didnt think much of it when he asked to post my profile because I didnt think much of it except for avoiding a bot or whatever it was on Reddit. Picture yourself in this situation you have a brother that it going around doing shit while you're minding your own business doing what not such as being an Admin on this community then one day he tells you he posted your profile on something and you get banned on something for no reason because you didnt do anything. I just want this to be resolved please. If you want my brother and I to take them on a different device we can. I can take it form my phone if they show on there and I can have him take it from his Phone and web client like I did, I don't know whatever way works out the best in this situation.

    If you didnt see the proof here it is http://imgur.com/a/9e8nC
  15. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    It needs to be uploaded to the forum. We can't accept screenshots on imgur.

    Just confirming, did you take both screenshots?
  16. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    One was taken by me on the steam official site so you can show the timestamps, the other was taken by my brother and sent via gyazo, I just made it into a Imgur album but I am uploading the files here

    Basically the other day he asked if I was downloading Black Ops because it makes the internet lag when someone downloads a game because Steam uses a lot of bandwidth.

    Attached Files:

  17. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Not enough sorry
  18. Fox Kincaid

    Fox Kincaid Registered

    Jul 16, 2016
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    Look man, I am honestly swearing on my life bro when I telll you I am not his alt. If I can show you mroe chat logs I would but I dont have any, I am asking you if we can both go on a voice call or something to prove it but you haven't given me a clear answer. I really want to get unbanned and it's honestly so annoying arguing over something that I didn't do I, I can't appeal on SteamRep because I was banned here not there and I know you dont show proof of how you find alts but you cant have much because all he did was post my profile url and if you use IP adresss it's because we are brothers. I honestly would show you anything you aren't really letting me as I want to do a voice call because I feel thats the best and I showed you the only chat logs I had but you don't believe them. Please be reasonable with me, do you honestly think that we can be alts when he have so much hours in different games. I just tried to go on CS:GO on this account even though it's vacced to see the recent matches and I didn't play with him in the last 10 so I can't show that the only thing I can show you is when we would transfer skins because we shared skins that we woulde won from gambling. I REALLY beg you to be reasonable, I know you don't care about just a random user you don't know but I beg you please just listen to me and be reasonable when comparing our profiles, I honestly just want to do a voice call but you haven't said anything.

    Whenever I played a game I would get the skins and when he played he would get them and if we both played then it would be either him or I that is why they get traded back and forth. Please just review this and be reasonable man.

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  19. Connor181

    Connor181 Registered

    Aug 16, 2016
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    @Fox Kincaid , Just here to help. You need to provide uncropped images. that includes your task bar. PrtScn Preferable.
    Enstage likes this.
  20. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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