Accused profile: 76561197961199848 | customURL: | steamrep: Victim profile: 76561198311998915 | customURL: | steamrep: What happened? Description: I'm not the victim but this kid has bought him a lot of reputation and now scams people with that. He got 108 reputaion with really quick time. And most of the people who gave +rep don't even have CSGO XD So please be careful! Provide Evidence: It's just a one example, I'm not going to open up all users but there's more of them as you can see who doesn't even have csgo
Nice find indeed, however there's nothing there that we can tag for. Either way, I'm also 99.99% sure that the guy will go on a scamming spree soon enough but as I said, there's nothing there at this given time that would grant a scammer tag. Even tho it's a bought account that doesn't help since it's only against the steam subscriber agreement...
Hello, Unfortunately Lethal Zone can't tag users for "farming fake cash/code rep" anymore due to policy change which is an internal matter, but on the other hand you would need to provide evidence where the fake reputation farming is taking place and make screenshots from the Steam client and from a web browser as fullscreen, uncropped and unedited screenshots. I will leave this report for @Chride2k8 to process it.
As mentioned above, change of policy, we no longer issue new tags for this + you're tagged for fake evidence on SR