Scammer: | steamname: zViiNz | steam3ID: [U:1:82882650] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:41441325 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim: | steamname: ✪ Kappa.LoL | steam3ID: [U:1:99403506] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49701753 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description The trade was my AK 47 | Fire Serpent for PayPal. When the steam trade was done, he unfriended and blocked me
Hello @✪ Kappa.LoL , To continue with this report I need the following: Uncropped screenshot of your PayPal Activity (not summary) in fullscreen detailed view going back at least a month. Uncropped screenshot of your Inventory History (not trade offers history) from a web browser pointing your mouse on the accused in question so a hypertext URL will popup in the bottom left of your browser. Uncropped screenshot of your Inventory History (not trade offers history) from the Steam Client in fullscreen. Uncropped screenshot from the Trade Offer history where the PayPal email is mentioned open this in a browser and point your mouse on the accused's steam avatar/name so again a hypertext URL will popup in the bottom left of your browser. Remember: - when taking screenshots from the Steam Client, the URL bar should be enabled. (Enable this in the Steam settings tab) - all screenshots should not be edited in any way (blanking out of your account username is allowed). - all screenshots should not be cropped in any way. - all screenshots should be upload directly to the forums using the "Upload a File" button. You will have 7 days to provide the expected evidence, thanks!
You've had more than 7 days to follow up on your report. Archiving this report due to lack of follow up, feel free to re-submit a new report and provide all the evidence that was requested in this report related to this case. Archived.