Well a guy that I had in my friendlist for maybe 3 months or something, said he wanted all of my cards(120), 10 csgo skins and 250 gems, and could double the stuff or make more of it, and I was like hey this is a good friend should I trust it? And yes later on I decided ok I will trust this, and so I gave the cards: https://7.lithi.io/Wp90.gif and the skins, where I got cases of 3 cents for back: http://prntscr.com/dctzvb and not to forget the 250 gems: http://prntscr.com/dctvnk and a screenshot of the mid and end of the chat, I sadly can't give the start, because that is lost, it could be on phone, but the person quickly changed his/her name a lot of times, and even the link of his/her profile, but hey don't forget that everyone has a perm link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198140500454 Here are the links of the chat as promised: http://prntscr.com/dcvvqz and http://prntscr.com/dcvv69
Hello @SeropOhanian , This is not how you submit a proper scam report, read this thread so you can learn how to properly submit a scam report with the proper format: https://trade.lethal.zone/threads/how-to-report-a-scammer.22779/ Last but not least please attach your Steam account to your Lethal Zone forum account. Marking this report as Invalid.