| steamname: DNK | Drakemoon | steam3ID: [U:1:86430340] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43215170 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046696068 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bombardianking | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046696068 I added this guy (DNK | Drakemoon) Becuase I had a question of rather or not that the site Drakelounge.com is owned by Drakemoon. So I go to http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DrakemoonOfficialGroup#members which has over 1.8K members and then I see a mod http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198342608818 who is in the same group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OFFICIAL-DRAKEMOON which is suppose to be the group that the admins are in so I go and add the other "Admins" I add DNK about 30 mins later he adds me I ask him if he is a Drakemoon as he agrees and I go on to ask him my question of " Is Drakelounge.com your betting website" he tells me yes and then takes interest into my p250 Splash that I just got with 4 katos stickers on it. Also My friend also started trolling him for more evidence that he is a scammer. DNK | Drakemoon: Hey DNK | Drakemoon: Why you added me:? Vape Nation: yo Vape Nation: how much credit can i get for my howl DN with IBPHolo Vape Nation: or dont you do that? DNK | Drakemoon: You want money for it on the website? Vape Nation: yeah DNK | Drakemoon: How much you want? Vape Nation: but extra for the iIbuypower holo Vape Nation: $2000 seems fair DNK | Drakemoon: 1900$? Vape Nation: $2000 is the lowest i can go sticker alone is $2500 Vape Nation: plus howl $800 DNK | Drakemoon: Okay, 2000$ DNK | Drakemoon: Im fine Vape Nation: okay so how do i trade it for credits DNK | Drakemoon: You can just give it to me DNK | Drakemoon: And I give you the credits Vape Nation: okay you sure? DNK | Drakemoon: Yes DNK | Drakemoon: Im 100% DNK | Drakemoon: Are you serious tho? Vape Nation: yeah, you 100% going to give me credit DNK | Drakemoon: Yes Vape Nation: i dont want to lose my howl DNK | Drakemoon: I understand DNK | Drakemoon: You will have it no worries Vape Nation: i would cry Vape Nation: so i 100% get the money straight away DNK | Drakemoon: As soon as you accepts yes Vape Nation: okay i will accept now DNK | Drakemoon: Sure DNK | Drakemoon: DNK | Drakemoon: Nice try xd Vape Nation: can i get $1000 for this DNK | Drakemoon: first the howl Vape Nation: site credit DNK | Drakemoon: No sorry Vape Nation: you agree after ? DNK | Drakemoon: For a crate?xD Vape Nation: $1 for crate too Vape Nation: so $2001 DNK | Drakemoon: ah... If you really do the howl sure DNK | Drakemoon: 1$ for that shit crate DNK | Drakemoon: But first do the howl Vape Nation: you give me $2010 for these so i can open 10 of my favourite crate? or no deal DNK | Drakemoon: Sure Vape Nation: you sure are clever bro DNK | Drakemoon: What you mean? Vape Nation: i want $3000 for howl Vape Nation: my friend says its worth more Vape Nation: i just ask him DNK | Drakemoon: You want 3010$ for all? Vape Nation: yea DNK | Drakemoon: Lets go Vape Nation: okay Vape Nation: go fast man Sorry that there is no Screenshot for my friends chat log he didn't want to download something to take a screenshot The Pictures are of all my chatlogs with him they tell you the whole story I hope you guys ban him I am sure he has scammed others in the past and I do not want to see anyone getting scammed. Thank you, Tyson- Twine
Hello @Tyson , I will only consider evidence as screenshots, copy and pasted steam chat conversations as text are not acceptable evidence for a proper report. Hence I will only consider your provided screenshots with the accused. I will provide some additional screenshots and archive links as evidence beside yours. Archives: 1) http://archive.is/5MrsZ 2) http://archive.is/KCuaL
A full Banned Tag will be applied to the accused ( 76561198046696068 ) for impersonation with intent to defraud. Thanks for reporting fraud to us! Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile. In order to do that, you have to: 1. Visit the accused's profile 2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page 3. Choose REPORT VIOLATION 4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence 5. Click SUBMIT REPORT
Alright thank you Edward for your help in banning him I really appreciate the fast response. And yeah sorry about the chat he didnt want to download Gyzao ):
Edward I will be trying to add the other ones in the group and trying to do the same thing to them just as in Fyi more reports coming soon possibly!
Please stop spamming, the tag is pending. Nothing else you need to worry about, the accused will be banned soon. Locking this report to prevent spam.