| steamname: adnnnn | steam3ID: [U:1:168717270] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:84358635 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128982998 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/adollddd | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198128982998 How this all started: **(Sorry that I do not have screenshots of the first part of the conversation. What happened is he said he was going to get back to me and a few hours later he did and this were the only ones I was able to recover)** He added me and was like " Hey man I have a Csgo account with a BUNCH of items on it that is trade banned would you like to buy it?" I took some interest in the account it having a Bayonet Slaughter, Factory New Howl, Factory new Knight, Glock Fade. I would just use it as a play account because it had all of those nice skins I told him that I would give him like 6 keys for it. He said " I am looking for about 30 Euros" I told him if he was interested in stickerd items I could give him my M4a1-s Boreal Forest with a Hellraisers HOLO katowice 2014 sticker plus one key. He said he would think about it and 2 hours later he messaged me and those are the chat logs of after the first time we chatted. Sorry again that I could not supply you guys with the first chat log looking back on it I should of probably have taken a screenshot. Thanks
Hello @Tyson , All I can see is that you attempted to buy a Steam account from the accused, beside that we are not investigating any account scams. Read more about our investigative policies here: https://trade.lethal.zone/threads/lethal-zone-investigation-policies.22780/ Marking this report as Invalid.