Separate names with a comma.
You should post the SteamRep block of your alt account as well when you appeal. | steamname: King of the world | steam3ID: [U:1:11780188] |...
You should upload all of your screenshots to the forum directly, instead of linking them to a third party website.
Impersonator: | steamname: ЩĄ | Horse | steam3ID: [U:1:367687446] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:183843723 | steamID64:...
Scammer: | steamname: Murax | steam3ID: [U:1:333307289] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:166653644 | steamID64:...
You posted in the wrong area. Try here: Make sure to read up on the "How to" so you don't...
I am. I've talked with both Chride and Gentle; we had worked everything out before. It was placed on hold due to a few questions regarding my...
It doesn't matter if YOU post the screenshot of the return; the victim themselves must post proof and confirm the repayment. That's policy. How...
Please contact the victim and get them to reply to this thread, stating that they have been repaid by you with proof. Their Steam account must be...
It has not been 2 months since Enstage said you could re-appeal; it's only been 2 weeks, in fact. I'm no trade admin, but I'm fairly sure that... Please reformat your report according to the guideline provided. You should also...
Like Enstage said, there's no reason for you to be farming fake rep. More rep won't necessarily equate to more profit. You're free to delete all...
Impersonator: | steamname: DupstyIez | steam3ID: [U:1:241614390] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:120807195 | steamID64:...
Bumping doesn't do anything to expedite your appeal. There are many more reports and appeals that require attention besides yours, and each takes...
Please upload all of the screenshots to the forum. Outside links are not allowed as far as photographic evidence goes.
You clearly don't understand what was asked of you. You stated that this account: | steamname: sABO [ SSM/gb/D2L/ ] | steam3ID:...
Please upload all screenshots to the forum; Lethal Zone won't accept your evidence otherwise.
Impersonator: | steamname: Šomeone. | steam3ID: [U:1:140221078] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:70110539 | steamID64:... You'll find more customers on here, as well as a list of Middlemen.
"Pending Tag" means the evidence had been reviewed by a Trade Admin, and the report is awaiting the Head Trade Admin to tag the accused on...
Sorry I couldn't do more to help. At the very least, I hope you learn the reason for your ban. Cheers, and good luck.