Separate names with a comma.
Hey there! I know its unadvised to bump appeals (partly as its selfish, and will more than likely result in more time), but is there any chance...
Appeal for LZ-TRADE CAUTION User: 76561198120321205 (Ben ~ (former, HexNebula)) | steamname: Ben | steam3ID: [U:1:160055477] | steamID32:...
Thank you :p !
Sorry, not trying to spam on this or bump my post. But I missed a detail on the last reply. If you look at when the account was previously online....
What do you mean? The fact its named as such, is due to the fact I actively tried to scam on it. Thats why Its named after a CSGO lounge bot....
In the report it was just once, however out side of the report I did attempt to scam others but none of them followed through. Due to time and...
I haven't replied in almost 2 weeks? Again, I strongly apologize.
Alrighty, I apologize greatly. Had I known that, I wouldn't have said such things. But after so much time this process is becoming a joke at this...
So who gets the punishment for his brothers wrong doing? And how does the brother repay for what they did? Even if he is 9, he shouldn't have a...
This may sound a lil odd, buy why did someone that not only filed a form wrong, gave little evidence, and said that his 'little brother' who is 9...
Any news?
Okay, lil strange being it was on hold? ;-; it's been on hold for a few weeks now. Wouldn't the shiny blue thing tell them it should be solved....
I was going to post on a C E's post about him being a slight douche, but I guess that just proves it. I guess he really wants to get banned xD
Error tis an understatement my dear man. But thank you!
There we go
Another picture will be sent, when the trade is accepted ^~^
And later, as they accepted my request. He's a nice guy x3
| steamname: HexNebula | steam3ID: [U:1:160055477] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:80027738 | steamID64:...