Separate names with a comma.
@Enstage @Gentleman i have one question to ask will i be marked again in the future by chance if another admin looks at it? or is there a...
@Enstage Omg thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my cash rep thread is still locked, could you have somebody unlock it for me?...
@Enstage here is the pastebin posted out completely + the correct image links uploaded to the forums instead of linked! let me know if i fixed it...
@Enstage sorry, i wasnt trying to bump, just havnt heard anything back for quite a while now and was hoping for a update :/ sorry!
update please :S
any news?
heres a few of my past cash rep threads from the past 45 days.
@Enstage done, i think, let me know if i did incorrectly.
| steamname: Gabeismon - buying all skins | steam3ID: [U:1:176353946] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:88176973 | steamID64:...