| steamname: Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com | steam3ID: [U:1:105327] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52663 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960371055 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Goldi1337 | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197960371055 Agreed on a deal, but scammed me after train pin. Logs are in attachment, and train pin is in inventory. Please submit proof here- chatlogs, picturesNever tell your password to anyone. Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com: Hi can i help you? MiaKhalifa1080p: hey MiaKhalifa1080p: i have 2 mirage MiaKhalifa1080p: 1 guardian MiaKhalifa1080p: 1 train pin Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com: Price for mirage train guardian MiaKhalifa1080p: well offer me Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com: My Trade your Offer .. MiaKhalifa1080p: mirage like 29? MiaKhalifa1080p: guardian 37ish Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com: Blue Guardian right? MiaKhalifa1080p: yes Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com: Mirage and Guardian for both: 62 Keys MiaKhalifa1080p: do you need a train one too? MiaKhalifa1080p: or want Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com: 80 for all 3 Pins? MiaKhalifa1080p: 83. MiaKhalifa1080p: 1 pin at a time. MiaKhalifa1080p: ok? MiaKhalifa1080p: i go first Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com: 82 then ok MiaKhalifa1080p: 82 pins? MiaKhalifa1080p: 1 at a time MiaKhalifa1080p: deal? Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com: yop MiaKhalifa1080p: PWX25-5HFTJ-MNFFY MiaKhalifa1080p: ahh okay MiaKhalifa1080p: private profile MiaKhalifa1080p: i took screen shots of your profile before and right now Prinz Goldi ツ | Kickback.com is now Offline. http://puu.sh/oAZj2/e7fb9c9638.jpg http://puu.sh/oDMue/a853dbab63.jpg - logs
Please upload those puu.sh shots to the forums using the "Upload a File" button, nothing else will be accepted.
Thanks for the report. Unfortunately you've had 7 days to provide the evidence I requested, which you have not done. I will be rejecting this. If manage to produce the expected evidence, please create another report. Thanks.