Accused: | steamname: cukey | Selling pins/keys | steam3ID: [U:1:643406] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:321703 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description: Farming fake cash rep - turns in to providing fake evidence. Suspected for farming fake rep, also having invalid rep which isn't related to this anyhow. However upon questioning he deleted the first person who tried to clear things out ( @Edward ) after which I added the guy just so that things could actually get cleared out. The accused said that all the transactions were for pin <-> skrill, he even gave evidence to support that, however on his steam profile he had listed all the past trades as if they would have been for pin <-> keys. I asked others just to check and confirm his story and when I told the accused about the fact that I'm looking around checking with others he became hostile and ultimately deleted me afterwards. Cash rep thread: Post #1 (by 76561198143648171) - I confirmed with this user that the trade was actually keys <-> pin Post #2 & #5 (by 76561198059197398) - Post #3 (by 76561197961558277) - Post #4 (by 76561198014537601) -
Post #1 (by 76561198143648171) - I confirmed with this user that the trade was actually keys <-> pin Post #2 & #5 (by 76561198059197398) - Post #3 (by 76561197961558277) - I confirmed with this user that the trade was actually keys <-> pin Post #4 (by 76561198014537601) - This is the only legit trade that he didn't provide fake evidence for.