Scammer: | steamname: AAR9N | steam3ID: [U:1:50124495] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:25062247 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Alts > , Victim: | steamname: ♛ RomanD | steam3ID: [U:1:134162889] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:67081444 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description: So I added this guy about his boosting service in cs:go. Now I asked him how much it costs and he said offer me. I'm currently legendary eagle. He agreed to boost me to legendary eagle master. Now for payment, I said I'll give him 3$ upfront as a deposit and 7$ once I'm lem. Now he full on agreed to this. Now earlier today, we played a game and he kicked me from the lobby. I assumed it was a mistake, I asked him to re invite me. He said you payed me 3$. And I got you enough wins. So he said that because I have him 3$ he got me 5 wins that that's fine. He didn't rank me up. He didn't do as he said and he said he's done. Now I said I'll chargeback if he didn't do as he said and he said it's not a scam. He never specified that 3$ was for 5 wins. He changed the agreement as we went. Now i'm not gonna chargeback on him. Because of how much rep I have built up and all. But, he wants to get me marked on steam rep apparently. 3:59 AM - : 2:58 AM - | LZ | Gentleman: I will process the report then mark him on SteamRep. So I need to avoid this because I'm not a scammer and I have never scammed anyone. I will post the steam chat and my paypal $ I sent to him.
Report has been marked invalid and archived. Reason: Lethal Zone and SteamRep investigative policy. We do not process reports that occur outside of the trade system (with some exceptions, this case not being an exception).