Accused: | steamname: BetsYa | steam3ID: [U:1:77842627] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:38921313 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim: | steamname: Get Schwifty | steam3ID: [U:1:119526536] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:59763268 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description: He told me he wanted to buy my knive, when i did send it to him he blocked me instand. Sadly I did not anything about trading and only copied the chat for the Steam Support.
Hello @Get Schwifty , Do you have the Steam chat / conversation screenshot(s) between you and the accused?
That is the Problem, I only kopied the chat but didn't screenshoted it, brcause i thought it was enough.
I'm afraid without the Steam chat screenshot as evidence we can't continue with this report. Thank you for your report regardless! Invalidating.