Scammer | steamname: C23Chad | steam3ID: [U:1:78732599] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:39366299 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim | steamname: nyczbrandon | steam3ID: [U:1:73183088] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:36591544 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description: Added this guy on reddit to sell keys to him for $2 a key. He wanted 20 keys, but I did it in 10 key increments. After I traded the keys he stopped responding and made his profile private. No money was sent to my paypal. I have pictures of his profile as private and then now it is unprivated.
Hello @nyczbrandon thanks for the report! To continue; could I request you upload screenshots of your Inventory History showing one (1) trade from the 10th of January, and ALL trades from then up until now. These should be taken from the Steam client, not cropped or edited, and uploaded to the forums. Thanks! Spoiler: How to enable the URL bar. -Open the Steam by double clicking the steam icon in the tray in lower right corner of your screen. -On top left, open menu "Steam" and select "Settings". -On the new Settings dialog box, select "Interface" and enable the tick in front of "Display Steam URL address bar when available". -Click "OK" to close the Steam Settings dialog, applying the setting. Spoiler: How to screenshot your inventory. -In the Steam Browser (client), go to your Inventory, by clicking your Nickname in the top middle and selecting "Inventory" -On top right, click the "More" button that is shown above the game labels for the various inventories you have, and select "View Inventory History". -Seek the trade that relates to this on the number of pages you have (look below for the requirements). -Go to the start menu and type in the seek box "snipping", you will find in Vista and later the "Snipping Tool", click it to start it. It directly wants to make a screenshot. Select the full window excluding the very top of the steam browser window where your LOGIN name is shown. But INCLUDE the Nickname, the steam URL bar fully, both sides and full bottom of the steam browser. -Click the "Diskette" icon, or click "File" and then "Save As...", and save it to your desktop. -Come back here and make a reply. -Drag the image into the reply on the forum from the desktop.
Sorry it took so long to respond, I forgot to check this thread again until now, but here is my trade history and my paypal history.