Scammer: | steamname: Neos | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:46953853 | steamID64: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> | customURL: | steamrep: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Victim: | steamname: Bread-In-A-Cup | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:61894218 | steamID64: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> | customURL: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> | steamrep: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Description: Spycrab runner Spoiler [Spycrab] Neos just spycrabbed!! <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : 0-1 Sheriff ≡ Monkey has found: The Shahanshah Sheriff ≡ Monkey : Sell merc's Muffler for 4 ref pure [Spycrab] Bread-In-A-Cup just spycrabbed!! [RTD] NukeLike rolled: dispenser pop-up for 20 seconds. [RTD] NukeLike died during their roll. <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : 1-1 Did someone scam or shark you on this trade server? Go to our forums and report them there! Neos : :3 [Spycrab] Neos just spycrabbed!! [GER] Highlife : go <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : 1-2 Bread-In-A-Cup : 2-1 [Spycrab] Bread-In-A-Cup just spycrabbed!! <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : 2-2 Wanna donate to LZ? Just add one of the LZ Trade Admins to your friendslist or trade them! <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : sudden death Azure : !tp Sheriff ≡ Monkey has crafted: Horrific Headsplitter [Spycrab] Neos just spycrabbed!! <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : OOH Korefan has challenged Iron Cross / Eisernes Kreuz to a Sniper Class-Locked Duel! <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : did he leave? Iron Cross / Eisernes Kreuz has agreed to duel with Korefan! <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : oh wow Iron Cross / Eisernes Kreuz : gl&hf :-D [HOP] [EU] TF2 TRADE SERVER #2 | STEAMREP - trade_piazza_lz_b5b (2/31) [type !servers to join] Sheriff ≡ Monkey has crafted: The Trash Toter Want to use the |LZ| tag? Register at <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> , fill in your steamid and post on our forums! <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 : see i told u _/|StarBreezer|\_ BugarCZ : wow......spycrab runner
Crab agreement and counting and all the talking happened using voice chat, so not much to go for in the chatlogs. <3 Dope Fresh Nation <3 (STEAM_0:0:22239447) counting the crab his hlstats: , <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... yer=139458</a>