Accused: | steamname: Richard | steam3ID: [U:1:113540538] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:56770269 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Accused for: - Farming fake cash reputation.
Hello @ToXiC ♔ , To continue with this report I need the following: -screenshot of the post taken from the Steam client. Remember: -all screenshots should be taken from the Steam client where possible. -when taking screenshots from the Client, the URL bar should be enabled. -all screenshots should not be edited in any way (blanking out of your account name is OK). -all screenshots should not be cropped in any way. -all screenshots should be upload directly to the forums using the "Upload a File" button. If you believe any of the evidence you are providing should not be publicly displayed, then please PC me with the evidence and a link to this report. You'll have 7 days to provide the expected evidence, thanks.