Scammer | steamname: IhateMilk Trading ESL-PIN Codes | steam3ID: [U:1:116790958] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:58395479 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim | steamname: hUGGE +} | steam3ID: [U:1:158488431] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:79244215 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: What happened? Let me explain you precisely what happened: I was looking to buy a CS:GO Inferno pin and I came across this guy named IhateMilk ( he had many threads up about selling pins and one of my friends actually bought one from him a week or two ago via PayPal it went all legit. So I had added him a day or two before and had told him that I would get the keys for the pin, when I had enough keys to buy the pin he wanted to go straight to the deal but when I sent him the tradeoffer and he accepted it he immediately removed me and blocked me. I had copied chatlogs and sent this to my friend who didn't expect him to be scamming. I don't know if I can still retrieve the chatlog because he blocked me and there's no other way to open a chat with him. But here's the chatlog I could recover: 9:33 PM - hUGGE +}: 9:24 PM - IhateMilk Trading ESL-PIN Codes: ok 9:28 PM - hUGGE +}: sent 9:30 PM - IhateMilk Trading ESL-PIN Codes: moment 9:31 PM - IhateMilk Trading ESL-PIN Codes: ok 9:31 PM - IhateMilk Trading ESL-PIN Codes: i give you the pin now 9:31 PM - hUGGE +}: aight 9:32 PM - IhateMilk Trading ESL-PIN Codes is now Offline. He had blocked my friend after he scammed me who bought from him before: My friend can confirm this happened: I don't know what else to say, I lost 30 keys and received no pin :/ Thanks for reading, Hugge
I would recommend asking Steam Support if you can retrieve the chat logs of you with the accused. Until then, your report is lacking chat evidence and will be marked as such.