| steamname: Tanner WTB>Items | steam3ID: [U:1:168703963] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:84351981 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128969691 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Yamakasinamasikuku | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198128969691 Why I got tagged: Really, I dont know, someone got ban on steamrep and now I have Caution on SteamRep, and admins was added on my Alt Accounts, but I have only 1 account, thats not my. Why should should the tag get removed? Because, That wasnt me, thats not my alt account, I have only 1 account, admins added this http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197990185194 account on my alt account, and he got ban on steamrep, now I have Caution on SteamRep, please fix it admin, ty for attention. its my account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Yamakasinamasikuku/ its that account which admins was added: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mainherz/
Do you know this user in any way? What is your relation to them (friend, brother, sister, dog etc)? Regards.
Yes Mr, Enstage, He's my Online friend and I dont know why he got on steamrep my account (ALT) and Im just trying to help him to fix. he was on my account like 1 days and I think he got for IP ? or etc
@Tanner WTB>Items did Piikcho ever have access to your account, and can you confirm you had access to his? During what specific time periods?
no he didnt access to my account, Im confirming that I had access to his, In this year, like 3-7 month
So you had access to his account from Janurary of this year until April of this year? (That's between 3 and 7 months ago) Why did you have access to his account?
I dont remember date but I know in this year I was access on his account, I was access to play a game.. like 1 days and I think thats not a problem for get a Caution, I hope u will fix this mistake, ty for attention Mr Enstage
and I think, I got (ALT) for that reason, cuz he had my name on his Aliases ? its not a good reason to get a caution for that, its really big steamrep mistake... I want to untagged in ALT Account and Caution.
Please don't make random accusations as to why we tagged you, you really have no idea why we did it. I'm investigating.
We have evidence of a link between your accounts, generated by you logging into the account of another user. In future I highly recommend not sharing your account, or logging in to anyone else's accounts, for any reason. Doing so may result in the tag being reapplied in a similar manner. Your tag has been removed.