Scammer: | steamname: Commander | steam3ID: [U:1:172312700] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:86156350 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victims: | steamname: Harkon ! PINS FOR SKINS ! | steam3ID: [U:1:178765170] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:89382585 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: | steamname: THEMORGANORGAN | steam3ID: [U:1:94913945] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:47456972 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: What happend: I met this guy one or two weeks ago in a competitve match. He was always totally in love with the skins I had and wanted to drophim my weapons all the time. We also played with one of my reallife friends "THEMORGANORGAN". The trust between us is really good which leads to that we always borrow skins from each other to play with them. We also talked about this when 76561198132578428 was in teamspeak too. A few days back i received a message from THEMORGANORGAN: THEMORGENORGAN: moin leo THEMORGENORGAN: du ficker Harkon ! PINS FOR SKINS !: ja was los THEMORGENORGAN: krieg ich deine ak für ne runde eben? (can I get your ak for a round? ) which was kinda weird because i already had another chat with him opened. After a quick visit to his profile I realised he had only SteamLevel 3 and i saw who he was. After I confronted him with this he derfiended me instantly. I joined the real MORGANORGAN on teamspeak after this and he told me that this little piece of shit ( he is like 13, 14 years old ) already impersonated me too when I was offline and asked him (THEMORGANORGAN) for his Ak. I sadly have no chat screenshots ( the chat from above was when i copied it to send it my friends ) but I think that THEMORGANORGAN maybe have some. I still have the Evidence that he impersonated us
Missinig Evidence: Like I said before my friend took screenshots which shows the chat with commander, or how he called himself "Harkon PINS FOR SKINS!" : Chat: Harkon PINS FOR SKINS!: hi niklas (hi niklas) Harkon PINS FOR SKINS!: kannst du mir mal kurz deine ak für ein spiel leihen (can you borrow me your ak for a game) Harkon PINS FOR SKINS!: nur ein comp? (for only one comp?) THEMORGANORGAN: ja klar kannst du haben (yes of course you can have it) THEMORGANORGAN: fgt, geh sterben (fgt, go die) Harkon PINS FOR SKINS!: und jetzt? (and now?) Harkon PINS FOR SKINS!: ahst die ak eh nich verdient (you don't even deserve to have the ak)