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Invalid 76561198141053033

Discussion in 'Archive' started by starfall, Apr 24, 2016.

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  1. starfall

    starfall Registered

    Apr 24, 2016
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    |steamID: evil_scammers_name
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:66666666666
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656119806666666666
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/scammername
    |steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=7656119806666666666

    |steamID: innocent_victims_name
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:9999999999
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656119809999999999
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/innocentname

    A (short) description of where/how you encountered the person, and the deal, the attempted scam, and the outcome. The pics should tell the full story.
  2. starfall

    starfall Registered

    Apr 24, 2016
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    pressed enter by mistake, sorry
  3. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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    Make a reply and finish off the report.
  4. starfall

    starfall Registered

    Apr 24, 2016
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    | steamname: z e a l S> all for keys
    | steam3ID: [U:1:180787305]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:90393652
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141053033
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/OfficialZeal_nit
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198141053033

    | steamname: Sniper__
    | steam3ID: [U:1:131607012]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:65803506
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091872740
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Sniper2stronk
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198091872740

    Oki. So everything started like I think 3-4 weeks ago. As a very dedicated CS:GO player I like having all kinds of collectibles, operation coins, pins, etc. And I found a guy from Bucharest that worked at Dreamhack at Cluj. Well, that guy had lots of blindboxes. So like 2 months ago I started buying from him, firstly the whole collection without codes, then more ingame pins, etc. The last time I bought a blind box from him I got a Tactics pin, a pin that I already own so I was like, ok let's sell it. Firstly I went to a lan in Bucharest organised by Asus(http://challonge.com/playitcoolcsgoplazabucuresti , http://challonge.com/playitcoolcsgoplazabucuresti/groups - Void Walkers) and I couldn't sell it there because people were offering me less than I bought it for (bought it for like 20 euros or so) and they were offering me 15-17. The night after I was like, ok, let's search some guys so I can get keys for it.
    So I asked a friend of mine which is more experienced in reddit and trading stuff(as I am not a trading guy, never made profit out of it) he linked me some guys, I left messages on their profiles and stuff, and sent friend invites if I am right... can't remember... So long story short this zeal guy (who is anyway impersonating another guy from a guy's stream, as he is saying he is moderator in idk what group, as he isn't, this guy was, idk what happened then http://steamcommunity.com/id/zeaL_cs/) had me on his list. So we started talking, negotiating and stuff. I let the pin at 32 keys, because that was the best offer I had by that time and then we started talking about who is giving first. He told me to give first and stuff, and then he told me to do it with the middleman, as I'm not into trading I was like, no, screw that, you are a scammer, full of shit, hua. And then he said that we can use Etherfast as an admin. At that moment I was like, ok this is one of the Romanians, he is trusted, everyone in the romanian community knows him, is ok. So days passed, he said things like, he isn't online, as he was online everytime he said he wasn't. I tried to add him, he didn't accepted... So on 12nd of April he said something like, ok I am no longer interested (I have ss-es since then to today) And I kinda started idk begging him to buy it, as I lost lots of time. He said no and then I was like, ok... But that guy has that inventory and stuff, all those high profile guys in his list, so I started asking him about trading and how he did his inventory. He told me he bought bitcoin then he bought skins with it and etc etc (you have that in the screens). So after that discution he looked a lot more legit than ever... so I came with the idea that I give first, then he said he gives me 33, for the time I waited and stuff... at that moment I was so happy I finally had money to have a bayonet night (off double) and my kara I had at the time. I gave him the key and then he removed me... I reported him from like 6 accs of mine, told friends to report him, add him, comment on his profile... I sent him trade offers telling him he is pathetic and stuff(I was mad at that moment, never got scammed in any kind before),then yesterday I started talking to Sunrunner (the chillest guy ever, he responded to every retarded question I had) who is an admin in a CS:GO Pin Collector group, I showed him all the evidence I got against him, proof that I do have the pin and stuff, sent photos and stuff and he banned him from the group (https://gyazo.com/55da8552f9df307162706d623eeb07b7). The same day after getting him kicked from the group(with the help of Sunrunner), after talking more to Sunrunner he told me I got enough evidence to get him banned. And I sent him an offer from my sister's account where I told him something like, you have 10 hours to give me the keys, or I can get you steamrep banned or smth, can't remember. I also added zeal on that account too. So before talking to me, he talked to my sister, asking her is she is older, why did he tel me I would get steamrep banned, she doesn't even know what the hell the steamrep is, she buys single player games and this guy tells her about steamrep. He even said that MY SISTER TOLD HIM HE NEVER SCAMMED ME or something simillar and I was like... ok you got big issues I am mad I didn't screenshot-ed the conversation between them, but I copy-pasted it to me https://gyazo.com/65ee4517589aa644ac63c4c2a93b5288
    After talking to my sister (then he was acting like, I wasn't talking to you? I already talked to you, after my sister telling him it isn't me) he added me and started telling me that HE PAID ME THE PIN VIA PAYPAL, AFTER TALKING ABOUT KEYS, YOU WILL HAVE THE CHAT (I only have the chat from the day I was scammed, you will see) so he started telling me that is against the laws that I tell people he is a scammer and stuff, he said he didn't scammed me and crap :)) I have all the evidence to get him banned in the screenshots anyway, I can provide any kind of evidence, I can show you on skype that the pin is mine, I can show you with the webcam the chat on the phone(idk why it stayed there) I can show you the pin, I can ss anything you want
    So at the end of our talk I told him that I got the history of what we talked (rip english)
    Sniper__: and you know what is more funny? I still got the history of what we talked
    z e a l S> all for keys: idk if they have that in romania
    z e a l S> all for keys: but tis ok
    Sniper__: so you are the same guy
    z e a l S> all for keys: ? ok cool
    and then, as last night I got another username (I everytime change it, I like changing it a lot, aura1337,starfall,aura,$n1.) and he asked me
    z e a l S> all for keys: starfall would u like to buy my inventory
    He adressed to me as "starfall" and then he could have been like, ok this is not the guy I bought the pin from, so I didn't answered him.
    I made the report this morning bcz my dad came over last night and then I went to sleep xD
    I am waiting for a response and if you want any more/any kind of evidence just tell me
    So here is the evidence:
    Chat from the phone : https://imgur.com/a/UuRDn
    Chat from the pc, from that day (have them only windowed, but they match with the ones on the phone : https://imgur.com/a/1GgIU
    Chat from the pc, from yesterday : https://imgur.com/a/EHFTU
    Copy-paste from the disscution of him with my sister (removed him from there, idk what he would have told her or gave her, keyloggers and stuff) : https://imgur.com/2MjmTks
    Photos with the pin from yesterday that I gave to Sunrunner : https://imgur.com/a/UBNZZ

    I tried to put them in order but imgur is just scrambling them...
    Wasn't recording btw, just wanted to make him tell the truth, so it would have been easier for me to get him banned

    I am waiting a response and if you want any other pieces of evidence just tell me
    Have a good day :D

    - Sniper
  5. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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