Scammer | steamname: dAliElsS | steam3ID: [U:1:188295195] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:94147597 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim | steamname: salleat | steam3ID: [U:1:169105627] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:84552813 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description of scam This user hasn't paid my keys and skins. Since i didn't have the reputation of the first things i passed. Since i didn't have the reputation of the first things i passed. Trader credible. But when the process of payment of strange things started. а) The user asked for my e-mail account Paypal. i gave him the address Paypal ([email protected]). A few minutes later, he wrote to me that he could not send such a small amount (20 keys) and that it is necessary to add another (supposedly wanted to send the full amount of the transaction 1). I sent all my keys are going to sell [236 keys => 2,1$ for key][Screen1]. b) Trader i wrote that paid me $520 and we have to wait. Within half an hour after the transaction, i never saw the money in his account Paypal [Screen2]. c) After that began to write in the chat trader with the question of payment. He was removed from friends a couple of minutes after the question. Not just deleted and blocked all communications. [Screen3] Why did he blocked me? The answer in my opinion logical. I asked him a question about the payment. He immediately decided to escape. Unfortunately, i led the correspondence through Screenshots can not do that, but if dAliElsS believe that an honest trader, let me add back to friends (that i could provide the correspondence with Steam mobile app). She kept there up to 14 days, we exchanged small replicas, so most of the transactions it will show and i can provide the chat moderators. i think for dAliElsS be not hard to do. P.S. By the way my keys, he then sold to other people (+ rep they left him on the wall). Half an honest trader receives... Evidence Screen1: Screen2: Screen3: Screen4[ invoice scam Paypal]: Translate: Header: You have received a payment request Text message: Hello, [my first_name and last_name]! Mary Elizabeth Reyes request (s) funds amounting to $ 520,00 USD on the phone, and also send (s) the following message: You will get your money in 24 hours - 7 days.Now money in pending. Sent using the PayPal Mobile application. To send money using your phone, visit
Thank you for the report. There's one thing tho, can you please upload the screenshots of your entire screen without editing/cropping them. Refer to the screenshots on the report linked below: Example here ->