Scammer | steamname: BCL | steam3ID: [U:1:233256003] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:116628001 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Description There was no intial scam however the accused has a "boosted" profile and literally the exact same text as in the related thread below on SR. The guy wanted me to send him a screenshot of the trade offer...even tho my guess would be that he would have asked me to copy-paste the cancle-link if I wouldn't have confronted him about it before he got the chance. Also, the link he gave to his paypal was totally defferent than the one that is on his profile. Just to add to that the screenshot of his paypal is in ENG and the one on his profile is in GER. Related:
Update By the looks of it the user has also been farming rep. Related (private):