Scammer: |steamID: T.w² | Tabax ~ Baeee |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:118897676 |steamID64: |customURL: |steamrepURL: Victim: |steamID: Яambo |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:26433576 |steamID64: |customURL: |steamrepURL: Description: First let me start with the fact that I'm not the victim. The Tabax Impersonator is a member of our community who will be removed promptly, he is impersonating a steam user called Tabax who can be found here: who often sells pins. As you can see on his profile he's using a bunch of screenshots to show his "rep" and trade history which is just the real Tabax's pictures. Screenshots: | Sadly this is all we have of the chat as the victim didn't capture anymore of it. | This is from the email confirmation. ---------------------------------------------- | Showing previous names, hours and 1 group. | Showing more groups, friends and comments. | Showing view more info section. You can also see in his top screenshot under view moreinfo is this picture: along with many others of trade history. However, this one has his Steam ID written on a piece of paper if you go to it, it clearly leads to the real Tabax's account. Thank you for reading, Adam.
Please upload an uncropped screenshot of your trade history with the user. Please try to find a more conclusive screenshot of the chat agreement.
Sorry but I can't obtain another chat screenshot since I'm not the victim and the chat is long gone now (I know they could go on mobile). Other than that I could get another screenshot of the trade history if needed. However, I was hoping he would be banned on the ground of impersonating. As you can see in his "View more info" he has a screenshot that shows pins and has a steam id written which leads to the real Tabax's account. Along with this he has 2 unconfirmed SteamRep reports.