| steamname: I'DFuckKylieJenner | steam3ID: [U:1:248700295] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:124350147 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198208966023 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DeepFriedDick | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198208966023 Why I got tagged: Because I was farming fake cash rep.. https://lethal.zone/threads/76561198208966023-hyena™.23498/ Why should should the tag get removed? Because I have changed, and I haven't posted for any fake rep for over a month and i will continue not to. I have also deleted all the fake rep i have received on my profile (rep for cash trades). Therefore, i believe it is only fair to hide the past as I am creating a new future and having a caution sign on my steamrep page isn't a mark anyone who is becoming a good clean guy wants. If anyone would like to monitor me please add me because i am not going to ever post another rep 4 rep again. I beg you Chride2k8 please remove your post. The screenshot url containing picture proof i have deleted all fake cash trade reps on my profile is https://gyazo.com/af9b8306e9c57ed1c86a83146cfaaff5 and https://gyazo.com/408bac94cc3fb6c4544aef6c7fba4555 and lastly, https://gyazo.com/e834979e49316a49270f98de5d8f8d8e ALT=http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198244349318 Thank you and have a nice day.
1. "You haven't posted/recieved any fake rep in more than a month." - truly amazing, one month isn't anything, why would you have changed during that time? 2. Your profile description is rather clear, nothing legit with it either. Rejected.