| steamname: AtomV3 | steam3ID: [U:1:258250407] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:129125203 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198218516135 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/atomv33 | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198218516135 He didnt scam me but he is being a impostor to Atomv3 who is a Mod/MM on the https://www.reddit.com/r/Pins4Skins..._before_buying_or_selling_new_rule_middlemen/ | steamname: AtomV3 | steam3ID: [U:1:140485060] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:70242530 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198100750788 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/atomv3 | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198100750788 I dont have a chat log as he never msg'd anything to me. but if you look at his profile which ill SS if he makes it private or not but hes trying to have himself as a MM in a trade i suppose. Same as the zack guy. He hasnt done anything wrong to myself but ill try to talk to him when he gets back from his PC as hes currently AFK i think. But ill reply to this thread if hes says anything to me. Thanks <3
Thanks for the report. A full tag will be applied to the accused for impersonation with intent to defraud. I've attached all the required screenshots.
Just had a chat with him , what a idiot 9:30 PM - AtomV3 (2): Hey man! 9:31 PM - AtomV3 (2): Was interested in buying your Italy pin for a few items 9:31 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: ok 9:32 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: What items? 9:32 PM - AtomV3 (2): I'm going to withdraw all I can from double 9:32 PM - AtomV3 (2): Hopefully that'll be enough 9:32 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: ok 9:32 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Looking for around 25K in items 9:33 PM - AtomV3 (2): alright, I'm withdrawing an awp asiimov ft, galil cerberus, and a 5-7 monkey business 9:34 PM - AtomV3 (2): that good enough? 9:34 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: dont care what u withdraw 9:34 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: as long as it equals 9:34 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: 25k 9:35 PM - AtomV3 (2): Alright 9:35 PM - AtomV3 (2): Would it be easier for you if we used PP? 9:35 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Dont care. 9:35 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: reallyt 9:35 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: if in items 9:35 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: or pp 9:35 PM - AtomV3 (2): I can offer about what's in my PP 9:36 PM - AtomV3 (2): like 67 9:36 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: that will do. 9:37 PM - AtomV3 (2): I'm guessing you know who I am, right? 9:37 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Yeah 9:37 PM - AtomV3 (2): Because of that, I don't go first in pin trades 9:37 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Thats fine i dont either 9:37 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: we can get a MM 9:38 PM - AtomV3 (2): I'm a MM ;P 9:38 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: not in a trade 9:38 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: that your in 9:38 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Ill go add 1 9:38 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: brb 9:39 PM - AtomV3 (2): If you don't trust me enough to trade with me now, I'm not interested 9:39 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Why? 9:39 PM - AtomV3 (2): Don't have too much time 9:39 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: for? 9:39 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: for the trade? 9:39 PM - AtomV3 (2): need to go off in a minute 9:39 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Ahh 9:39 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Is it because your a imposter 9:40 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: of the real atom? 9:40 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: and i knew this before 9:40 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: we started to talk 9:40 PM - AtomV3 (2): pretty much, yeah 9:40 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: I already reported u 9:40 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: but this will be added 9:40 PM - AtomV3 (2): thanks 9:40 PM - AtomV3 (2): sounds good 9:40 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: Thanks 9:40 PM - Mommy | kickback.com Sellin Pins: gl idoit