| steamname: Bacons | RIP 7 day ban | steam3ID: [U:1:124796353] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:62398176 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085062081 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/b4cons | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198085062081 Why I got tagged: Farming fake cash rep: https://lethal.zone/threads/76561198085062081-bacons-℉.24437/ Why should should the tag get removed? Because I have changed, I truly regret getting fake rep, I have removed all fake cash reps by other users
You were only tagged yesterday, I'm going to reject this appeal because of that. You can appeal again in 3 months at which time we will consider your appeal.