steamname: OGBurrito | steam3ID: [U:1:283285254] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:141642627 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Why I got tagged: Farming cash reputation to make my profile look more professional and nice. Why should should the tag get removed? I know ive tried to get the tag removed by lying in my second appeal and i have truly regretted doing it, i was so full of the idea that if i lie it would be easier for me to get it removed but i was wrong and i am so sad that i chose that decision. The reason i wanted to farm reputation is because i've always wanted to look like a big trader and become one, and i believed that +rep is a very important part of it, but it isn't. I have never had any intentions of scamming anyone because i do not want to get my account trade locked. I do understand you want to keep the community safe by warning people about scammers, but i am not a scammer and i never will. I just want to go back to trading as usual without being called a scammer or people saying they will report me even though i have never talked to them in my life. I'm not going to beg for my caution tag to be removed, i should've followed the rules but i clearly didn't. I also want to sincerely apologize for creating a fake appeal so i can get the tag removed.
Yes i am very keen on getting this tag removed, not because i want to scam anyone but because i want my profile to look better and people not adding me to call me a scumbag for scamming just because they've seen the Caution Tag. Yes i do have a second account which i do not own, it is my best friends that i use sometimes when i get a matchmaking ban, i cannot login to the account whenever i want but whenever he's online and i can get his Mobile Authentication code for me to login.
Unfortunately I don't think many people would see this as sufficient reasoning for a tag to be removed on a "change of heart" appeal. Come back later when you feel different. Archived.