1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

Dern F2P's

Discussion in 'Trade Chat' started by LongShlongSilver, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. LongShlongSilver

    LongShlongSilver Registered

    Apr 15, 2013
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    These dern F2P's are getting rather annoying and ruining having fun on the server

    Here is a list of the irritating crap they do:
    -Killing Friendly's
    -Spamming Chat
    -Random Trades
    -Low Balls
    -Most cant even trade

    Committed members of the server such as myself are finding this increasingly annoying and ruining the fun and peace of a trade server

    Trade servers are for chilling and to do some casual trading not spending time fighting the hordes of Machina Snipers and W+M1 Pyros
  2. Shadow

    Shadow Registered

    Aug 6, 2011
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    -There's no rule about killing friendlies being a rule breaker so that's a choice not a must
    -Personally I believe all trade server's chats are spammed way too much.. though if it's getting out of hand you can call an admin for a spammer and explain the situation, which he can check and verify.
    -TF2 comes with a decline option to a trade, so you don't have to accept every trade you get.
    -This is just random here... not taking into consideration.
    -As stated above , decline.

    -Pick a sniper and annihilate their snipers, pick a soldier/heavy and roast their pyros.

    Overall you have enough options within the game to help you deal with situations of a player, if it's getting out of hand rule wise you can call an admin, for rest you could discuss for a possible rule to be added, complaining on a bunch of players is not getting you anywhere as there's decent people who are F2P, and you can't punish a group like that.

    Not taking a side here but it is as it is.
  3. Biber

    Biber Registered

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Well, at the moment we are indeed having trouble losing a lot of traders to other communities' trade servers cause they don't like to hang out in a F2P battlefield. Of course it is not forbidden to fight in the outside section, but notorious sniping makes it quite unpleasant too often.

    Since we are talking a -trade- server it is questionnable in my opinion if we shouldnt block F2Ps since they indeed annoy traders a lot and more than often don't even have trading privileges. 15 F2Ps on the server mean 15 less potential customers for those who want to trade/sell their items. At the moment even trade #1 is hardly filled for most of the day. People join, see the amount of F2Ps, comment on it and leave.

    Just my opinion ofc but a discussion wouldn't hurt I reckon.
  4. rswallen

    rswallen Wizzard

    Apr 29, 2013
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    I mentioned this idea a while ago:
    • While <75% capacity, allow F2P player connections
    • Once at 75% capacity, F2P players can only join if they are a donator
    • Once at 85% capacity, the server starts to kick non-donator F2P players when premium players join
    • Once at 99% capacity, reserved slots kick in

    Only thing I'm not sure of is how to handle F2P donators at 99% capacity: should they be treated the same as Premium donators (unkickable) or non-donators (kickable if someone with a reserved slot joins)

    Edit:Or just have a max number of F2P slots...