- Who are you? -tell us about yourself, name, age, where do you live and so on. I'm Kevin, 19 y/o living in New York. I currently attend NYU as an undergraduate student. I'm on the board of several non-profits, and work in finance. Feel free to message me for my LinkedIn. - Why do you want to become a Lethal-Zone trade admin? I've always been active in contributing towards communities that I love and causes that I believe in. I'm always excited and happy to help improve our trading communities and environments. - In what way can you help us? Process reports, conduct deep due diligence on alt accounts, scams, etc. - What is your main account? http://steamcommunity.com/id/WestVillage - List all your other accounts (if any): http://steamcommunity.com/id/WestVillageBestVillage - Do you know how to use SteamRep and how to report there? Yes. I am Voodoo_ - Are you capable of being a team player and complete tasks when they are given to you? Of course. - How much time do you spend on our servers and how much time can you "donate" to the admin chores? Told to skip by Chris. - Have you got any previous admin experience? -if so then provide links, groups, servers and more. I manage several Facebook Groups and Pages. I will message Chris privately regarding these. I am a mod at /r/RandomActsofCSGO, /r/Pins4Skins, and also mod /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade's Server. I host my own public TS3. I have significant experience in non-profit organizations, specializing in internet rights and digital privacy. - Want to help out as a map maker? -if so then please provide some examples of what you have done (include: screenshots, descriptions and links). Told to skip by Chris. - Can you make plugins? -if so then please provide some examples of what you have done (include: screenshots, descriptions and links). Told to skip by Chris. - What would you want to specialize/concentrate on? Report processing. Forum help. - Why should we select you? Because I have adequate experience and have shown a desire to contribute to a community that I believe in. I am focused on ridding digital trading of scammers.