Hello guys just saying that im new to this website Ok lets start (sry for my english ) I got reported yestarday by a guy who trades Rocket League Gifts for CSGO keys. I wanted to trade with him, but he was offline so I searched for another guy and traded 1 Rocket League Gift with this new guy. Later the offline guy became online and offered me a Rocket League gift for 6 keys, but I said no thanks, and he reported me falsely. This is his profile http://steamcommunity.com/id/advicebanana This is my profile https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198024210985 This is the trade that i do with the new guy that i found https://gyazo.com/1f4083bd1b0fbdf4fea26d599617b7f6 now this guy report other ppls to get banned from steam rep like this guy https://gyazo.com/55a479805a46ae9265f9486936ba8062 Maybe he real fake reps but im not https://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/id/Zowe (he reported another guys) aonther proof i make a gif https://gyazo.com/d9df34ecf122466532ecf2f7d86ae8f9 im not fake +reps wtf why i got banned pls help !!!!! Another proof !!!!! https://gyazo.com/14b27c2be08d1b7987325445293909b7 look at my comment i write on his profile u can see the date when post it !!! guys pls i got banned for nothing!!!!!!!