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Invalid High level steam, big inventory and scammed me + more people with pin trading

Discussion in 'Archive' started by MAYLETT, Jul 13, 2016.


    MAYLETT Registered

    Jul 13, 2016
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    Let me get this out the way. It's probably my fault for not using a middleman, but he had already got most pins but the baggage one, and because of his high level steam profile, clean steam-rep and valuable inventory I just thought I'd be quick and easy with him. Out of all things to be scammed out of, the baggage pin was the least of my worries as I had other pins too and I probably wasn't going to claim it anyways.

    He added me from Pins4Skins subbreddit, showing interest. After some time he made me an offer. I noticed how he had most other series 2 pins, including a Chroma one (most valuable). Also, he had many high valued items, and a high steam level. I offered to send him the trade with the code in it, then he could check to see it was real and accept the trade. He got the pin, but then came up with the dumb excuse that his brother had taken his phone. I kinda knew I got scammed at that point but as I said earlier, out of all things I own, the baggage pin was the least of my worries (plus I still have it IRL).

    So he declined my trade and blocked me blah blah all the usual scam stuff. I am worried he scammed all the other series 2 people as well, as he said they traded the same method.

    Hopefully he can be convicted to stop him stealing from those who don't have as much as he does. I can't grab his inventory screenshot because I can't view it anymore. He has many high value items and pins, clearly does a lot of trading.

    Initial discussion:


    Initial trade:

    Worst lying:

    | steamname: SPHINX
    | steam3ID: [U:1:298644117]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:149322058
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198258909845
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dragons_Sin_Of_Wrath
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198258909845

    MAYLETT Registered

    Jul 13, 2016
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    He is now moving items out of his account into another one, I can tell by the front of his steam profile, the AWP Medusa is gone and so is the AK.
  3. Enstage

    Enstage Not so custom title
    Trade Administrator Reputation Thread Mod

    Oct 14, 2015
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