So today i got scammed by i thought by his profile and bitcoins profile that he is a trusted trader but after i sent him my paypal addres and knife he told me " i sent" and b locked me from his steam friendlist. didnt get money on paypal so far and knife was worth arround 82 $ .
You will have to reformat the report as shown here: To help you get started, I'll provide you with some basic information, and tell you what other forms of evidence will help the report get processed. Scammer: | steamname: Riclas -MARKETPLACE | steam3ID: [U:1:85319569] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42659784 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim: | steamname: Markini | steam3ID: [U:1:157889150] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:78944575 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: These two pieces of information sort out who the accused is, and who the victim is (that's you). As for further evidence, you'll need to provide your Paypal History dating back up to one month in order to prove that you have not received payment for the transaction. Your trade history showing you trading the knife to the accused is also required. Both must be uncropped and unedited with the URL visible. I wish you the best of luck in your report.
You'll also need to take a screenshot of your trade history and your paypal history showing that you traded the item(s) to the guy and that you didn't get any money.
You'll have to upload your screenshots to the forum, instead of linking them here through a third party website.
Once again, you'll have to upload your *Steam Trade History*. I will upload mine for reference as to what it should look like. Go to your Profile, click Inventory. On the right there should be a dropdown menu after "Trade Offers". Click that, and go to View Inventory History.