I found a person on reddit trading pins for skins, keys. He had a guardian elite pin code listed at 80 keys i thought it was too good to be true but he was friends, with MR Nobody a well known person in the pin community. I completed the trade offer and we chilled out, and he offered to get in team speak and stuff but then boom, I was given a non working code and then told he just left the house, then he blocked me. OBVIOUS SCAM. http://steamcommunity.com/id/GUTV Here is his id. I am only posting this to prevent other scams. He had a good trade history and good hours on cs and it just goes to show you have to research who you are dealing with.
Hi, I'm archiving this report. Could you please: -attach a Steam account to your forum account. -report using the proper format. -include all relevant evidence. -create another report.