Both of these guys are partnering up to scam potential CS:GO pin buyers. The first guy, id/IfaqYurmama will reffer you to /Dabestninja /Dabestninja = is going by New York, United States Level 42 q Yurmama Ifaq Yurmama Iraq Level 32 Chat Log Never tell your password to anyone. Ifaq Yurmama: hello mrRedBull™: hey buddy. are you just lookin for keys or skins? mrRedBull™: im looking for a train pin Ifaq Yurmama: both Ifaq Yurmama: skins means overpay mrRedBull™: ok maybe i can do half and half Ifaq Yurmama: sure Ifaq Yurmama: so 7k pure and around 9k in skins Ifaq Yurmama: is that ok? mrRedBull™: yup mrRedBull™: idk what ill do maybe just keys. gimme a few. Ifaq Yurmama: all fine Ifaq Yurmama: take your time mrRedBull™: thanks Ifaq Yurmama: we are not in a hurry and we dont want to fuck up mrRedBull™: agreed Ifaq Yurmama: ok mate can we discuss further in like an hour? Ifaq Yurmama: ive gotta do some stuff Ifaq Yurmama: maybe less than an hour mrRedBull™: sure no problem. take your time Ifaq Yurmama: ty Ifaq Yurmama: until then Ifaq Yurmama is now Online. Ifaq Yurmama: Hey im back Ifaq Yurmama: I will redirect you to the actual pin owner now ok? Ifaq Yurmama: Ifaq Yurmama: You can contact him he will do the trade mrRedBull™: ok thanks mrRedBull™: is he a member of csgo pins community] mrRedBull™: i have all the keys now Ifaq Yurmama: He was, Ifaq Yurmama: He left cause he had a fight with the owner mrRedBull™: ohhhhh mrRedBull™: trusted though mrRedBull™: ? Ifaq Yurmama: Yes Ifaq Yurmama: I traded with him before Ifaq Yurmama: I mean look at his inv Ifaq Yurmama: Such people dont need to scam mrRedBull™: agreee Ifaq Yurmama is now Online. Ifaq Yurmama: All smooth? mrRedBull™: no he scammed me Ifaq Yurmama: What? mrRedBull™: yup Ifaq Yurmama: Lol he blocked me Ifaq Yurmama: Wtf mrRedBull™: thanks Ifaq Yurmama: Im so sorry man Ifaq Yurmama: I didnt kniw Ifaq Yurmama: Kniw Ifaq Yurmama: He blocked me wtf Ifaq Yurmama: Dude mrRedBull™: well csgo pins collectors group is going to hear about this shit Ifaq Yurmama: Im not responsible for this Ifaq Yurmama: Its not my fault man Ifaq Yurmama: He blocked me Ifaq Yurmama: Im on your side Ifaq Yurmama: I really am mrRedBull™: its not you i traded with Ifaq Yurmama: So youre not gonna shit on me? Ifaq Yurmama: Im gonna post there as well mrRedBull™: idk what im going ot do Ifaq Yurmama: Well he isnt in the group anyways Ifaq Yurmama: So mrRedBull™: but i added you to trade with you. Ifaq Yurmama: He said he was gonna pay me Ifaq Yurmama: If i found a deal for him mrRedBull™: still might Ifaq Yurmama: He blocked me mrRedBull™: but whatever. I have never been scammed, until now. mrRedBull™: can you make it right Ifaq Yurmama: Im so sorry man Ifaq Yurmama: I was scammed as well here Ifaq Yurmama: Luckily it was only a train pin tho mrRedBull™: guardian Ifaq Yurmama: Didnt you want a train pin? mrRedBull™: yeah he made me a deal for guardian. i traded flip scorched and 4 pins mrRedBull™: keys Ifaq Yurmama: Shit man mrRedBull™: im out 45$ Ifaq Yurmama: Im really sorry mrRedBull™: I got that knife for dirt cheap but, i trust you only because you are a member mrRedBull™: i learned a lesson today Ifaq Yurmama: i guess you did Ifaq Yurmama: and i did as well Ifaq Yurmama: karma will fuck him mrRedBull™: im not worried about it. life is too short for that Ifaq Yurmama: well i guess Ifaq Yurmama: have a nice day Ifaq Yurmama: if thats still possible mrRedBull™: yeah, dont think thats gonna happen Ifaq Yurmama: bb mate Ifaq Yurmama: and again Ifaq Yurmama: im terribly sorry ♛Tomgun♛: Yoo bro ♛Tomgun♛: Can I help u out? ♛Tomgun♛: yo bro ♛Tomgun♛: U here mate/ ♛Tomgun♛: ? mrRedBull™: yo ♛Tomgun♛: xD mrRedBull™: sorry didnt see you my bad ♛Tomgun♛: My mate told me u wanted a train pin ♛Tomgun♛: WTFD ♛Tomgun♛: Buy my guardian elite's man ♛Tomgun♛: or dust 2 ♛Tomgun♛: s ♛Tomgun♛: I'm quickselling them ♛Tomgun♛: for guy's like u xDD mrRedBull™: all I am trading is my keys if you will do that for guardian ♛Tomgun♛: blue? mrRedBull™: guys like me? is that good? mrRedBull™: sure ♛Tomgun♛: ye ♛Tomgun♛: sec ♛Tomgun♛: how abouyt ♛Tomgun♛: ur flip scorched and 4 keys? ♛Tomgun♛: which is a great deal... ♛Tomgun♛: Since its a quicksell price mrRedBull™: hmmmmm ♛Tomgun♛: And if u are interested ♛Tomgun♛: I can ship the pin in real life ♛Tomgun♛: after u get the pin and +rep me and all mrRedBull™: for sure. but you'll give the code now after the trade mrRedBull™: ? ♛Tomgun♛: After the trade I ♛Tomgun♛: i'm afraid ♛Tomgun♛: Such as allways :/ mrRedBull™: we all are. mrRedBull™: um thats why i like trading keys. half before half after ♛Tomgun♛: I can't do half's either mate mrRedBull™: I really kinda want a train ♛Tomgun♛: but ♛Tomgun♛: I just got ♛Tomgun♛: 70 keys ♛Tomgun♛: went first ♛Tomgun♛: for my guardian pin ♛Tomgun♛: with all of em mrRedBull™: no mrRedBull™: really ♛Tomgun♛: So take my train for 14 keys mrRedBull™: ok ♛Tomgun♛: Or my guardian ♛Tomgun♛: for da.... flip ♛Tomgun♛: and 4 keys ♛Tomgun♛: i have to be honest ♛Tomgun♛: since ur collecting ♛Tomgun♛: all the pins i can see ♛Tomgun♛: u should buy my guardian ♛Tomgun♛: just saying its on a quicksell price mrRedBull™: whats normal price ♛Tomgun♛: 35 keys! ♛Tomgun♛: 32 if the trader's are rare ♛Tomgun♛: and this is what I sell u the blue for ,,,, mrRedBull™: ok mrRedBull™: ill do guardian ♛Tomgun♛: Allright ♛Tomgun♛: do u want skype ♛Tomgun♛: or teamspeak? ♛Tomgun♛: Or are u good here? mrRedBull™: im good here. I trudt you mrRedBull™: trust ♛Tomgun♛: Allright great ♛Tomgun♛: Let me know when u send the offer ♛Tomgun♛: So i can send u the code ♛Tomgun♛ has declined your trade request. ♛Tomgun♛: I use trade offers :/ ♛Tomgun♛: If u dont mind ♛Tomgun♛: ther's a link ♛Tomgun♛: In my profile ♛Tomgun♛: Make's my trade more fast and comfortable ♛Tomgun♛: let me know when u send it mrRedBull™: ok ♛Tomgun♛: OMFG ♛Tomgun♛: I didentr ask ♛Tomgun♛: Do u want the pin in real life? ♛Tomgun♛: Cuz in a week I can ship it too ju ♛Tomgun♛: And tell me if u have any progress with sending the mail ♛Tomgun♛: With flip + 4 keys ♛Tomgun♛: Allright mate? ♛Tomgun♛: mate xD? mrRedBull™: yeah mrRedBull™: im just nervous dont wanna lose skins ♛Tomgun♛: xD ♛Tomgun♛: It's allright man ♛Tomgun♛: I understand ♛Tomgun♛: Let me know when u send it ma code's ready? mrRedBull™: ok ♛Tomgun♛: Rdy when u are :/ ♛Tomgun♛: mate ♛Tomgun♛: xD ♛Tomgun♛: We talked about this ♛Tomgun♛: I use trade offer ♛Tomgun♛: 's ♛Tomgun♛: Let me know when u send i ♛Tomgun♛: it ♛Tomgun♛: I'll send u the code after ♛Tomgun♛: and let me know if u want the code ♛Tomgun♛: IRL mrRedBull™: im sending now ♛Tomgun♛: kk =D mrRedBull™: sent ♛Tomgun♛: got it ♛Tomgun♛: sec ill accept ♛Tomgun♛: ok ♛Tomgun♛: u read?y? ♛Tomgun♛: First row : mrRedBull™: sure ♛Tomgun♛: M4CIK ♛Tomgun♛: - ♛Tomgun♛: Second row: ♛Tomgun♛: MNX90 ♛Tomgun♛: Third row: ♛Tomgun♛: MNT5C ♛Tomgun♛: dats guardian code ♛Tomgun♛: u need to do it together ♛Tomgun♛ is now Offline. ♛Tomgun♛ is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.