1. The trade part of Lethal Zone has fully been taken over by FoG (Fortress of Gamers) and this site can no longer be used to make appeals. If you feel that your tag is unjust, please file an appeal over at https://f-o-g.eu.trade instead.

New Profile Posts

  1. lefab
    Lefab is back \o/ (turn out my motherboard died...had to get a new PC)
  2. BLOXxingBlocks
  3. BLOXxingBlocks
  4. n33dweed
  5. MetalSenpai
    5 euro to keep my favorite VSH servers up? (and other), money well spend I say. *tips tophat*
  6. Tom Reeves
    Tom Reeves
    Came home from Germany to find that my Application is Invalid :c
  7. MetalSenpai
    Cake... CAKE! CAAAAAAKE!!!
  8. lefab
    Should get a new GPU today. I'll hopefully be able to play some recent games...
    1. Chride2k8 likes this.
    2. Chride2k8
      Getting ready for Fallout 4? :D
      Oct 1, 2015
  9. Maze
    Great, steam account got stolen T_T if somone still have the account added as a friend pls report as stolen account.
  10. Tom Reeves
    Tom Reeves
    @lefab That laser pan sounds awesome, but expensive.
  11. lefab
    More drama and reveal for the invasion update : Nothing before October and a campaign like gun mettle. Also, a laser pan might be a thing...
  12. Tom Reeves
    Tom Reeves
    Hey, I'm in a band now. Fun.
  13. Marco30XXX
    University started!
  14. Snelvuur
    Nothing new there it seems?
  15. lefab
    Invasion update confirmed for this week (Valve time), 4 maps, a new gamemode and maybe reskin weapon. Also, community drama...
  16. Marco30XXX
    Starting university on Monday... I presage a loooong inactivity time coming...
  17. Marco30XXX
    Wtf is happening to VSH servers, Hales are broken!
    1. lefab
      When TF2 update, Valve always find a way to somehow break mods like VSH
      Sep 14, 2015
  18. lefab
    Welp, there is now UFO in some of the maps. Alien update confirmed o/
    1. PixelBacon likes this.
  19. Zero
    Just made an LZ account after being a regular of a TF2 LZ server for 3 years, community seems great :D
    1. NuMetaller
      Welcome to our forums :)
      Sep 7, 2015
  20. floodling10501
    is it just me or is this community crumbling faster than shortbread in a blender? :L
    1. TheRagingPolishMan likes this.